Mastering Astral Projection by Robert Bruce & Brian Mercer

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Quote:This practical guide to achieving conscious out-of-body experiences is based upon Robert Bruce's extensive knowledge of astral projection, Brian Mercer's methods for personal success, and valuable feedback from volunteers who have tested this program. Presented in an easy-to-follow workbook format, the thirteen-week program introduces astral projection methods and provides daily exercises that progressively prepares and trains readers for this incredible, life-changing experience.

Quote:One of the reasons I chose to do this book next is because: Unfortunately, Robert Bruce, one of the all-time greatest astral projection teachers, passed away on April, 22, 2024. His book Astral Dynamics is still one of the best AP/OBE instruction books out there.
Quote:Simply put, this book is Astral Dynamics put into action: a 90-day guide that gives the reader step-by-step, day-by-day instructions to achieve astral projection.
Quote:I give this book a full 5-star rating. It's well written, well organized, and chock full of tips and techniques to achieve astral projection. It even contains several small narratives to illustrate points in the book. What's not to like?

As I was recently laid off, I decided to put my spare time in good use and try this training program. This is my day 4 in the program. So far I have learned to relax my whole body, do some breathwork and stimulate my energy body (merely scratched the surface so far). I have also kept a dream journal and recited the morning and evening affirmations.

Bruce's relaxation instructions are excellent. Unlike some other authors, he describes all the necessary steps meticulously and so it is easy to achieve the relaxed state needed for astral projection. Both Bruce and Mercer also give daily tips on these techniques, which have already been useful to me. I have managed to get energy sensations (tingling) in my toes, but this may be merely wishful thinking, so I don't count it as evidence of anything. Be that as it may, to me these techniques seem to work and they are easy to do thanks to the clear and detailed instructions.

I also like it that there are morning, afternoon and evening exercises. If I fail to induce an OBE during the day, it is possible that I might succeed during the night due to the affirmations etc. I already had a spontaneous lucid dream the night before day 1 after a long dry spell (6 months). Anyway, I'll return to add my review of this book after I have finished it and this training program, which will probably take longer than 90 days (due to various reasons I'll have to take some breaks from training).
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