Ideas for the skeletal "OOBE Resources" page on our wiki

11 Replies, 2073 Views

[I've moved several posts starting with this one from Ian's Explorers of the "Afterlife" through OBE thread so as not to derail that thread:]

Ian, I can't help with your question, but a bit over a year ago I seeded a related very, very basic placeholder page on the wiki:

OOBE Resources

There are some names there that neither you nor tim have mentioned.

Perhaps (he asked, hopefully) you would even be interested in fleshing that page out a little better?
(This post was last modified: 2019-12-30, 04:26 AM by Laird.)
I'm not the most knowledgeable about this, but I can plug in a few names if you let me know how this works.
(2019-12-30, 03:06 AM)Ninshub Wrote: I'm not the most knowledgeable about this, but I can plug in a few names if you let me know how this works.

Sure. You simply log in with the same credentials you use for the forum, then on the OOBE Resources page, click the "Edit" tab, then edit the page in the text box that appears, and enter a summary of your changes in the "Summary" box, and click "Save changes". It's that easy.
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Done, Laird. Added Tim's French guy, Nicolas Fraisse, and a few other OBE experiencer authors: Marilynn Hughes and Albert Taylor. I think the list now contains all the major players (publishing-wise).
(This post was last modified: 2019-12-30, 04:04 AM by Ninshub.)
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Super. Thanks, Ian. Now that it's a little longer, I've just gone and ordered the list alphabetically by first name.

I wonder whether you have any ideas as to how we could expand the contents of this page (and whether we should even try to)? I am not much use here myself because I have read only a single OBE book (by Robert Monroe), and have never practised any method with the aim of having an OBE, and nor have I even had one spontaneously (though there have been a few occasions where I have, I think, come close).
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Only read a few by Monroe myself. I just decided to re-read them to refresh my memory and move on to other folks. I don't have any ideas right now regarding the wiki page, but I'll think about it.
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Just added Von Braschler.
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Continuing this discussion from Ian's Explorers of the "Afterlife" through OBE thread:

I seeded the OOBE Resources page on our wiki based on a discussion on Skeptiko where a few folk expressed a desire to gather together such resources - but nobody ended up following through, and the page has sat there unedited until now.

Is anybody interested in fleshing it out, or simply discussing/defining the sort of resources it should/could contain?
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(2019-12-30, 04:04 AM)Ninshub Wrote: I think the list now contains all the major players (publishing-wise).
(Strike that). I just added 7 more names, the most prominent being Robert Peterson. Also Sylvan Muldoon, one of the early, pre-Monroe ones (1920s-50s), whose co-author was the psychic investigator Hereward Carrington.
(This post was last modified: 2019-12-30, 07:00 PM by Ninshub.)
[-] The following 3 users Like Ninshub's post:
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Added Keith Harary, as per tim's suggestion.
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  • Laird

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