Hellevator ride

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Occurred night of Friday, May 31, 2019

There was an interdimensional faction that was attempting to invade the planet. I was part of an organization trying to find a way to stop it. I had magic in this dream, a fair amount of it and I had a surprising level of control with it. Able to move and act very precisely compared to what I typically can in dreams. I’m not sure how many, if any, other members of our group had magic but I do know I stood out because of it.

The “demons” were initially trying to keep the invasion very low key, only possessing a few people in often secluded areas, turning them into feral zombie like creatures. The zombies would attack most anything around them, they lacked good dexterity and finesse and were largely ineffective. But some of these possessions were from higher level “agents” who retained their ability to think. Inserting themselves into society to try to manipulate things. Agents typically looked like normal people but also possessed their own magic, though it seemed rather limited in strength.

Though possession wasn’t the only way they would get things into our dimension. Sometimes they would just open a gate directly to theirs and walk people through, pretty much always those of “agent” level or higher, but again, on a very small scale. I fought at least a couple on my own and won somewhat easily, all things considered.

One time we’d tracked a celebrity/business magnate who we knew was an agent. He was not considered well liked by the average person, but of course that doesn’t mean much when you have money, power and friends in high places. We either lured them to a certain building by setting up a fake business deal with them or we’d heard about a real appointment at that building and set up an ambush inside of it. I don’t remember but I’m inclined to think it was the former given how things went down. The building was in or at least near the downtown area of whatever city this was in from what I remember.

He drove a very sleek, sliver convertible with the top down, probably a Jaguar, not sure. He parked it out front on the street and headed up the stairs into the building. It was a rather large open interior, I can’t remember exactly what the building was for. He got led inside by someone else, I believe one of our people posing as the prospective partner.

Once he was deep enough inside the building, out of the front area, away from the windows, in another room at least two people sprung out of nowhere and gunned him down. I had been there too but just before they sprung the ambush I had to go check something in another room and it was already over when I got back. I was a little disappointed, I wanted to be part of that. When I walked out of the building I saw his car had been lightly vandalized. People had thrown tomatoes all over the hood.

One night I responded to an incident in a rural area alone because I was closest if I remember correctly. Or maybe I was just checking it out on my own for other reasons. The area was reasonably well lit, appeared to be a series of garages or something. Perhaps part of an industrial farm. It was deserted except for the few zombies that attacked me. One that I thought was a zombie started talking to me, a lady with long dark hair tied back in a pony tail. Assuming I was as tall as I am in real life she looked to be around 5’8” - 5’10”, maybe a little taller. Her skin looked mostly grey which made it hard to tell her apart from the other zombies initially since none really showed any decay. Clothing wise I know she wore some of loose T-Shirt or blouse and maybe slacks or something. The lighting wasn’t great so it’s hard to tell, though I’m not sure the style of clothing was normal, everything seemed slightly looser than it otherwise should be. She may have had a lighter coloured sash tied around her waist.

She said she didn’t want to fight me. I asked if that was because she knew she’d lose. I wasn’t trying to be cool about it, I’d already encountered enough people like her and won to know their abilities were relatively limited and I was sure she knew it too. She summoned/manifested a suit of heavy platemail armour. It looked like a dark bronzey brown with maybe a bit of green to it. Though in the relatively dim light it’s hard to know for sure. She had a heavy round shield on her left arm and held a heavy chopping sword of some type in her right. Her helmet was not too ornate, I can’t remember if it had any sort of crest or anything. I knew even with that I’d still be able to break through eventually but I did want to hear what she had to say.

She explained that she had her own plans separate from those of her rulers. I can’t remember for sure if she specifically said she wanted to defect, break away, or if it was more of a coup idea. Saying that she knew that we wanted the gateway anchor shut down and she wanted this too, but the only way to do it was from inside her own realm. Being the rank she was she had access to a certain elevator that she could use to take me down there.

She summoned said elevator. Which sort of smeared into existence out of thin air. A large, probably 7X7X7 meter cage made out of square bars that looked to be around 4” thick. A brownish tan metal that didn’t appear to be painted and was slightly rough in texture. Reminded me of wrought Iron. The door had some square chainlink mesh on it as well.

The door slid open and she stepped inside but I didn’t, I remember being suspicious and asking her questions. I wasn’t just going to get on an almost literal elevator to hell with someone who I know wants me dead.

She explained that this was contingent on me being able to actually survive the trip, something she made very clear she would offer no help on. But given the abilities I had, she thought that maybe I might be able to make it. The tone she said it in was so goading and sarcastic, her words were too. She may have literally said “Y’know, if you’re brave enough” at the end.

We had no way to get into their realm so this was a golden opportunity to shut down the gates and possessions that I couldn’t pass up. As dangerous and stupid as it was it was possibly the only real shot we’d have. so I agreed, and got on the elevator with her. I was confident that I could handle anything they threw at me, I had up till that point after all. Though I knew it’d probably be more difficult.

As we started descending into the ground it didn’t take long before things opened back up into a large cavernous area. Though it gave the effect like we were underground, really, we’d shifted over to her realm. There were two massive screens on opposite walls. White-blue cursive text on a dark blue almost black background was being generated on them as if someone was writing it, Written in a patronizingly cheery tone like “That’s a good offering!” as if writing someone talking to a dog. The walls were getting progressively brighter with an increasingly orange-yellow light. The elevator seemed like it was in deep shadow by comparison, The lady stood in the far right corner facing forwards, while I stood more in the back left.

There was a strange, uncomfortable feeling coming from the energy of the place. It got stronger and stronger as we descended. She explained off handedly that the elevator is really meant to transport prisoners, which is what she’d act like I was. Because really, that’s what I am. She explained that it didn’t matter to her if I succeeded or failed. If I failed then I just died and she’d never strayed from her duties, as she really had delivered a prisoner in that case. If I succeeded it could easily be handwaved as just a freak escaped prisoner incident that no one could’ve predicted. She coyly said “after all, prisoners ‘escape’ all the time. This whole area is just one large prison and it isn’t uncommon to see them roaming around freely. At least for awhile.”

The elevator made a lot more sense now, the whole thing seemed set up to increase prisoner’s anticipation and dread. How slow it moved, the demoralizing messages on the monitors, how you couldn’t really see anything below you and thus didn’t really know where you were going. How the light on the walls got brighter and brighter, The pain or whatever that feeling was getting stronger all the time. In a way it was a brilliant design.

The feeling was getting unbearable, it was painful but it wasn’t necessarily hot. I started to feel like coming here had been a really bad idea and she seemed to be having fun rubbing that in. Then the pain jumped and I collapsed on my hands and knees. I think I must’ve tried to shield myself from it with energy because after a bit we seemed to pass that layer, or my shield protected me. She gave me a backhanded compliment about how she wasn’t sure If I’d be able to make it though that but she was glad I did. Saying that it doesn’t affect her because this is her home. Even though the pain was gone I was left with a constant ebb of unease.

A little before we got to the bottom she said “enjoy your sta~ay.” with a lilt in her voice and appeared to burn away into cinders, a sort of teleport I assumed. Then the elevator clunked to a stop a few seconds later and the doors in front of me slid open, leading to a platform. It was a single massive room, laid out in a rough circle. In the middle was a pool of brightly glowing orangey yellow stuff, it didn’t seem like a liquid. It seemed more like raw light, maybe a sort of plasma as it lay perfectly still. It certainly wasn’t lava, but it did seem to be where that uneasy feeling was coming from. I decided it’d be best to stay away from it.

The place seemed almost deserted, there were various rooms carved into the walls like rings, all had blue-white lighting that matched the lettering on the monitors above. It seemed kinda odd in a way. In the distance an occasional chittering noise could be heard. Coming from small goblin like creatures that stalked around. Sometimes crawling on the walls or ceilings like geckos. They looked to be a similar brownish colour to her armor and the elevators metal. Though in the shadows it made it hard to tell what the shade really was. But their colouring made them stand out against the grey-blue stone they crawled on.

It felt like just being in that place was slowly draining me so I had to work quickly. I knew I’d have to stay out of sight as best as possible. It was pretty obvious these things would try to attack me on sight, she’d implied as much. Even though I was confident I could handle them I didn’t want to risk calling actual soldiers to the area if I proved to be too much hassle. I had no idea where I was or what I was even looking for a far as that anchor went. So I figured I’d start looking around for clues. With the room being so huge and there being so few of the goblin things, at least that I could notice, I should be able to move around well enough. I flew across the “lava” to one of the rooms on the far side. The place almost seemed like one big cafe with the chairs and tables that were set up in various places. But no one was sitting at any of them.

Though fuzzy, I remember having to hide from a large hefty creature that came out from one of the doors in the area I was searching, I really didn’t want to fight anything if i didn’t have to, I watched it until it went into another door down the hall.

I tried flying across the pool to reach a structure hanging in the air over top of it, but I didn’t do it right and ended up falling in the pool. Maybe because I was starting to feel the strain of being there, I can’t remember for sure. I put a shield around myself but it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Still, the pool seemed like a gas, without my magic I think I might’ve fallen forever. Or at least until I hit the bottom, if it had one.

I did end up making it to the structure over the pool but I don’t remember anything after that. I’m very sure I ended up waking up before finding anything useful, and that’s annoying. I do think this was just a normal lucid dream, I doubt there was any true reality to it. Though I can never be sure anymore. Still, I don’t like that I didn’t get to complete my mission. Some people might say to be careful what I wish for but I’d like to go back there and finish things, one way or the other. My guess is that I burned through too much energy to stay in the dream. It’s not an uncommon reason that I wake up or shift dreamscapes.
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