ETH implies UTH?

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Just thinking that for the extra-terrestrial vehicle hypothesis to be true the aliens, to prevent time travel if not the suggested impossibility of FTL in our universe, would have to go to another dimension and drop back into this one.

But then isn't [it] just simpler to think these entities, assuming they do possess genuine tech, are just Ultra-Terrestrials?

This isn't to say there are definitely ultra-terrestrials, by which I mean entities from another dimension. But it does help reconcile the strangeness of the Weird encounters with the radar detected objects, as well as why the Weird cases seem to emulate alien travelers and not unicorns, dragons, etc.

Though of course it is possible that the latter mythical cases do happen but people don't talk about them as much, yet I feel that is just a bit too convenient as an explanation for the absence of such cases.
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(This post was last modified: 2024-07-19, 08:20 PM by Sciborg_S_Patel.)
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