(2022-06-20, 12:28 PM)tim Wrote: I think we would all be happier if we didn't take everything so seriously but life is like a stampede of galloping horses that you just can't stop or ever really bring under control.
I'm thinking part of it (by design?) is because we are hard-wired as humans (animals), with brain structures and so on (damn that amygdala, I wish I could get rid of it, but then life wouldn't be much of a challenge would it?) that promote the "egoic" mind (survival). Thoughts proliferate and go crazy trying to cope with it, which doesn't make it any better. Wouldn't you know that science has not yet come up with effective medication, without deleterious side effects, dampening the damn thing (like meditation does)? Probably the better for hard-won, "spiritual" progress. (Would humans act worse or better with no fear?)
(A mind without fear: Could this potential drug treat PTSD and anxiety?)