Bial Foundation

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The Bial Foundation is a body founded by the Portuguese pharmaceutical company BIAL, which funds scientific research, particularly in the area of neuroscience:

At the end of the online programme for the 12th Bial Symposium in the series "Behind and Beyond the Brain" in 2018 is a list of abstracts for the research projects that the Foundation had supported. It includes a remarkable number in parapsychology and related subjects. I've copied the basic information below, but there are fuller details in the programme:

“Extending  the  spiritual  healing  paradigm  to  explore  distant  mental  interaction  effects  with Wiccan healers”
Researchers: Chris Roe, Charmaine Marie Sonnex
Institution:  Centre  for  the  Study  of  Anomalous  Psychological  Processes  (CSAPP),  University  of Northampton, Psychology Division, Northampton (UK)
Estimated duration: 2014/10 – 2018/04

“The  interpretation  and  evaluation  of  meaningful  coincidences  suggestive  of  psi communication in everyday life”
Researchers: Robin Wooffitt, Germaine Gunther
Institution:  Anomalous  Experiences  Research  Unit,  Dep.  of  Sociology,  University  of  York  (UK)
Duration: 2013/09 – 2018/01

“Anomalous/paranormal experiences  reported  by  nurses  themselves  and  in  relation  with  theirs patients in hospitals: Examining psychological, personality and phenomenological variables”
Researcher: Alejandro Enrique Parra
Institution: Instituto de Psicologia Paranormal, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Duration: 2015/03 – 2017/03

“Genetics of psychic ability” - only abstract available
Researchers: Dean Radin, Garret Yount, Garry Nolan
Institution:  Institute  of  Noetic  Sciences,  Petaluma,  California  (USA);  Stanford  University  (USA)
Estimated duration: 2015/07 - 2018/04

“Psi-Q: A smartphone testing suite for psi ability” - only abstract available
Researchers: Dean Radin, Arnaud Delorme
Institution: Institute of Noetic Sciences, Petaluma, California (USA) 
Duration: 2015/07 - 2017/07

“A study of heterogeneity in parapsychological databases”- only abstract available
Researcher: Peter Amalric Bancel
Institution:  Institute  of  Noetic  Sciences,  Petaluma,  California  (USA); Institut  Métapsychique  International, Paris (France)
Estimated duration: 2015/06 – 2018/04

“A question of belief: An analysis of item content in paranormal belief questionnaires”
Researchers: Lance Storm, Ken Drinkwater, Tony Jinks
Institution:  Brain  and  Cognition  Centre,  School  of  Psychology,  University  of  Adelaide  (Australia); Department of Psychology, Faculty of Health, Psychology and Social Care, Manchester (UK)
Duration: 2015/04 – 2017/07

“Cognitive and personality differences in supernatural belief”
Researchers: Ian Scott Baker, David Sheffield, Malcolm Schofield, Paul Staples
Institution: College of Life and Natural Sciences, University of Derby (UK)
Duration: 2015/06 – 2017/09

“Development  and  implementation  of  a  comprehensive  survey  of  secular  American  mediums” - only abstract available
Researchers: Julie Beischel, Chad Mosher, Mark Boccuzzi
Institution: The Windbridge Institute for Applied Research in Human Potential, Tucson (USA)
Estimated duration: 2015/07 – 2018/04

“Using neural stimulation to modulate paranormal beliefs”
Researchers: Miguel Farias, Ute Kreplin
Institution:  Centre  for  Research  in  Psychology,  Behaviour  and  Achievement,  Coventry  University (UK)
Duration: 2015/12 – 2017/10

“Remote meditation support - A multimodal distant intention experiment”
Researchers: Stefan Schmidt, Han-gue Jo, Marc Wittmann, Thilo Hinterberger, Wolfgang Ambach
Institution:  Department  of  Psychosomatic  Medicine,  University  Medical  Center  Freiburg  (Germany); Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene, Freiburg (Germany)
Estimated duration: 2015/05 - 2018/04

“Is  the  matrix-experiment  really  a  robust  and  artifact  free  experimental  model  to  demonstrate generalized entanglement effects?”
Researcher: Harald Walach
Institution:  Institute  of  Transcultural  Health  Studies,  European  University  Viadrina,  Frankfurt  Oder (Germany)
Estimated duration: 2016/01 - 2018/06

“The  role  of  experimenter  and  participant  mindset  in  the  replication  of  psi  experiments:  Phase II of a global initiative”
Researcher: Marilyn Schlitz
Institution: Institute of Noetic Sciences, Petaluma, California (USA) 
Duration: 2015/07 - 2017/07

“The Selfield: Optimizing precognition research”
Researchers: Mario Varvoglis, Peter Bancel
Institution:  Institut  Metapsychique  International,  Paris  (France);  Institute  of  Noetic  Sciences,  Petaluma, California (USA)
Estimated duration: 2015/09 - 2018/04

“Reproductive hormonal status as a predictor of precognition”
Researchers: Julia Mossbridge, Daryl Bem
Institution:  Institute  of  Noetic  Sciences,  Petaluma,  California  (USA);  Department  of  Psychology, Cornell University, Ithaca (USA)
Estimated duration: 2017/02 – 2018/04

“The  missing  photon  experiment:  Does  focused  attention  employ  matter  as  an  agent  for  interacting with light?” - only abstract available
Researcher: Loren Carpenter
Institution: Institute of Noetic Sciences, Petaluma, California (USA)
Estimated duration: 2017/02 – 2018/04
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