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Washington State Poltergeist - Update 2018-11-20, 04:55 PM 2
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Washington State Poltergeist - Update Extended Consciousness Phenomena
Apparitions, Hauntings and Poltergeists
Post Message The residence of Keith Linder is plagued by a demonic force that is wreaking havoc throughout his tranquil, contemporary home. Linder has spent the past few years documenting what appears to be extreme poltergeist activity, including mysterious demonic inscriptions written on his walls and a fire spontaneously igniting in the home. Keith's antagonistic spirit is one of the most powerful dark forces the paranormal investigators have ever encountered. We also get into what happened at the end, what made him finally move out, and what has happened since. This is a very haunted house, known as the Seattle Demon House, or simply as Demons in Seattle. There have been numerous independent witnesses, including a paranormal group who testify they saw an object levitate during their overnight vigil. So you’ve seen it on television, but now we do justice to Keith Linder’s story.  Ever since he bought a home in Bothell, Washington, paranormal occurrences have changed his life forever and the world needs to see this.

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