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I could really use some help on this. 2020-12-14, 04:46 PM 1
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I could really use some help on this. Related Topics
Skeptic vs. Proponent Discussions
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Hi. Hope you're all having a great day, cuz I'm definitely not. Recently, I've done some internet digging on NDEs, and stumbled upon this. (PDF) Occam's Chainsaw: Neuroscientific Nails in the coffin of dualist notions of the Near-death experience (NDE) | Dr Jason J Braithwaite - ( Usually, I was basically expecting some recycled, run off the mill material, but this one really stumped me. I know that this paper isn't really used a lot, and is a good six years old, but it still irritates the hell out of me.  If you can, I could really use some links, articles, and help to refute this. As someone who really wants an afterlife,  this article is REALLY fucking me up.   :( If any of y'all can help, that would make my day. Thank you.

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