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RE: 6.37 sigma replication of Dean Radin's double slit consciousness experiments 2017-09-06, 04:16 PM 8
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6.37 sigma replication of Dean Radin's double slit consciousness experiments Extended Consciousness Phenomena
Parapsychological Research into Psi Phenomena (ESP, PK, Remote Viewing, etc.)
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All sessions in my study used the headphone with a moderate volume for providing feedback to the participant. The same occurred in control sessions, the headphone playing the feedback was laying on the couch where the participants used to sit. If the sound was causing any artifact it should appear in the controls as well. Besides that, it should be unidirectional. As opposed, the data revealed an anti-correlation between V1 zp sign and the slit enhancement proposal by each experiment (see section 2.5). It's challenging to explain how oscillations in the air medium could favor more light passing through one slit as compared to the other. Even more challenging is the fact the enhanced slit correlates to what was proposed by the feedback mechanism. Gabriel

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