What's a good Bruce Greyson video.... ?

4 Replies, 446 Views

I'm looking for a Bruce Greyson video to show to someone who wants to know about near-death experiences, and I'm trying to let him know about what the actual science is rather than what is shown through media. Does anyone know a good one? Or maybe another NDE science video that gathers up the facts about the research and addresses the myths.
I don't know whether this suits that purpose. I just looked through what videos I'd been watching over the last several months. Here's one I was watching earlier this year,

Dr. Bruce Greyson on What Near-Death Experiences Reveal About Life and Beyond - Intersections Ep. 30
Thanks Typoz. I've been skimming a few of them. That's one a bit like others I think about the time of the publication of his book and is very general.

I have more in mind him, ideally, just going 1) over the specifics of what makes NDEs a basis for thinking consciousness survives death, and 2) addressing the sketptical arguments/hypotheses (ketamine, etc.).

I'm going over again his part in this presentation where it seems to meet the criteria for 1, to some degree.

If anyone has a video by someone else that covers the same 2 points even more adequately, that would be welcome.

Basically what's the best video of survival after death through NDEs to show someone? (And survival through evidence of various kinds would be another welcome video, which I guess this one potentially is.)
What's missing from that video by Greyson, for one thing, is him not going into the details of what a "brain not functioning right" means. It's very vague here, instead of the specifics of what occurs to people with cardiac arrest, for example, after a very short while. The kinds of details @tim is so good at describing!
This one isn't bad, although still fairly an introduction. (Bruce Greyson again).

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