Theresa Cheung and Julia Mossbridge, "The Premonition Code"

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Julia Mossbridge comments on the associated research project in this talk given in September (from about 43 minutes):

What I'd be very interested to see is an overall hit rate, so that we could see if these techniques produce measurable results, and if so how strong they are. Unfortunately that's not there, but there are some secondary results. She says that there is a correlation between success at the task and experiencing a feeling of unconditional love, but no statistics are presented for that.

Some statistics are presented for another finding - that when the 8 targets that subjects performed best on and the 8 targets they performed worst on were judged for interestingness, the former were found to be significantly more interesting than the latter. The same was found for several subsets of the data. That is interesting, but the proportion of the best 8 that were found interesting looks to be about 63%, or around 5 out of 8, and I don't understand how that translates to a stupendous p-value of 0.00000007.

Near the end of the talk she mentions another book she's written (which was published on 1 April this year) entitled "The Calling: A 12-Week Science-Based Program to Discover, Energize, and Engage Your Soul’s Work":
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