The SoulPhone™

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Gary Schwartz is developing a SoulPhone™ to facilitate communication with the spirits of the dead. He hopes to have a SoulSwitch, that can reliably produce yes or no answers, in as little as a year's time. The next step will be a SoulKeyboard™ operating on the same principle, that will permit "soul texting". Communicators will be identified using three criteria, including tests of their typing skills:

To my mind, this seems about on a par with MacDougall's experiments to weigh the soul. But Schwartz claims it's all based on experiments:
"Schwartz says that, over the past decade, he and his team have tested nine different possible methods for detecting the presence of spirit, and all have produced positive “proof-of-concept” effects.  “By ‘proof-of-concept’ we mean statistically significant effects measuring diverse signals ranging from (1) single photons of light in a pitch black environment, through (2) tiny changes in magnetic fields recorded in a completely shielded zero gauss chamber, to (3) subliminal audio signals recorded in a Faraday shielded professional sound isolation chamber,” he explains.  He presented the results of three proof-of-concept Soul Voice (SoulVoice™) experiments at the June 2017 meetings of the Society for Scientific Exploration held at Yale University."

Ultimately there will also be a SoulVideo™, which can display an image "even if it is suboptimal or blurry", and which it is anticipated will be extended to 3D.

For more information, head to the Foundation's website, where there will be an opportunity to join the "visionary consortium of anonymous donors":
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(2017-10-10, 08:38 AM)IChris Wrote: Gary Schwartz is developing a SoulPhone™ to facilitate communication with the spirits of the dead. He hopes to have a SoulSwitch, that can reliable produce yes or no answers, in as little as a year's time. The next step will be a SoulKeyboard™ operating on the same principle, that will permit "soul texting". Communicators will be identified using three criteria, including tests of their typing skills:

To my mind, this seems about on a par with MacDougall's experiments to weigh the soul. But Schwartz claims it's all based on experiments:
"Schwartz says that, over the past decade, he and his team have tested nine different possible methods for detecting the presence of spirit, and all have produced positive “proof-of-concept” effects.  “By ‘proof-of-concept’ we mean statistically significant effects measuring diverse signals ranging from (1) single photons of light in a pitch black environment, through (2) tiny changes in magnetic fields recorded in a completely shielded zero gauss chamber, to (3) subliminal audio signals recorded in a Faraday shielded professional sound isolation chamber,” he explains.  He presented the results of three proof-of-concept Soul Voice (SoulVoice™) experiments at the June 2017 meetings of the Society for Scientific Exploration held at Yale University."

Ultimately there will also be a SoulVideo™, which can display an image "even if it is suboptimal or blurry", and which it is anticipated will be extended to 3D.

For more information, head to the Foundation's website, where there will be an opportunity to join the "visionary consortium of anonymous donors":
Sounds a bit like Spiricom.
(2017-10-10, 08:38 AM)Chris Wrote: To my mind, this seems about on a par with MacDougall's experiments to weigh the soul. But Schwartz claims it's all based on experiments:
"Schwartz says that, over the past decade, he and his team have tested nine different possible methods for detecting the presence of spirit, and all have produced positive “proof-of-concept” effects.  “By ‘proof-of-concept’ we mean statistically significant effects measuring diverse signals ranging from (1) single photons of light in a pitch black environment, through (2) tiny changes in magnetic fields recorded in a completely shielded zero gauss chamber, to (3) subliminal audio signals recorded in a Faraday shielded professional sound isolation chamber,” he explains.  He presented the results of three proof-of-concept Soul Voice (SoulVoice™) experiments at the June 2017 meetings of the Society for Scientific Exploration held at Yale University."

Here's the abstract:

Procedure for Detecting Subaudible Vocalizations from Hypothesized Collaborating Discarnates: Three Proof-of-Concept Experiments
Gary E. Schwartz 

Research with claimant evidential mediums (CEMs) as well as persons experiencing after death communications (ADCs) indicate that vocalizations are occasionally heard audibly: (1) localized in space and (2) emanating from discarnates. Moreover, CEM and ADC research indicate that the recognized physical forms of discarnates (including facial features, hair, and clothing) are sometimes seen: (1) visually and (2) in three-dimensional space. It is hypothesized that low amplitude, subaudible vocalizations of discarnates may be emitted by discarnates and potentially detected using sensitive technology with associated methodology. The procedure developed for detecting possible subaudible vocalizations of hypothesized collaborating discarnates (HCD) involved the following components: 

1. The HCD was instructed to repeat a sentence composed of nine, single syllable words over and over in synch with a slave monitor that displayed in real time the raw wave forms of the nine word sequence as generated by the computer (but not played out loud by speakers). According to three independent CEMs, the specific sentence selected for these proof-of-concept experiments was highly meaningful to the HCD. 

2. The HCD was instructed to speak the words into a low noise, high sensitivity microphone mounted in a clear plastic sound collecting dish. The slave monitor was visible through the clear dish. The microphone was housed in a sound deadened environment (Experiment I) and in a professional sound isolation chamber (Experiments II and III). 

3. The pre-amplified hypothesized subaudible vocalizations were digitized with a low noise, high sensitivity digital oscilloscope and processed using a specially designed program written in LabView called REAPP (Real-Time Event Averaging Parallel Process). REAPP coordinated (1) the computer presentation of the raw audible signals interspersed with baseline control periods, (2) the rectified the audio signals, and (3) the time-locked averaged the nine word sequence of waveforms and control periods over trials. Experiment I had 200 trials, Experiment II had 100 trials, Experiment III had 80 trials. 

When a physical person (a CEM) whispered the nine word sequence over and over in sync with the slave monitor, spectral analyses of the averaged waveforms revealed a dominant peak at approximately 1.4 cycles per second (Hz) – the actual rhythm of the whispered words. We predicted that the identical 1.4 Hz peak would be observed in the averaged waveforms when the HDC performed the task. This prediction was confirmed and replicated in the three experiments. 

Importantly, this dominant peak was not observed during the interspersed silent control periods for either the CEM or the HDC. Furthermore, this peak was not observed for additional no-speech control conditions employed in the experiments - e.g. when the CEM was imagining that she or the HDC were speaking into the microphone. 

The findings support the hypothesis that it is possible to measure intentionally time-locked subaudible vocalizations in hypothesized collaborating discarnates.
I think Edison beat him to it.
Folks that subcribe to the philosophical immaterial position should hope this does not succeed. Should it, then it will give a deeper understanding of physical reality comparable to how QM did in the early 20th century.
(This post was last modified: 2017-10-10, 01:08 PM by Steve001.)
Frankly, I find the claims made on the website regarding the likely progress of the project flabbergasting. 

They say there is a 90-95% probability that they can have the binary device functioning within a year "after receiving sufficient funding." Elsewhere it says their goal is that the binary device should be 98% reliable. That will allow dead people to answer yes or no questions.

Then they say it is "highly probable" they will demonstrate a fully functional keyboard device within two years. That will allow dead people actually to type messages.

And this isn't only Gary Schwartz. The website lists some pretty prominent people on the "advisory board". I can't help wondering whether they're aware their names are being used to solicit donations from the public on the basis of such bizarre claims:
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(2017-10-10, 12:39 PM)Steve001 Wrote: I think Edison beat him to it.

According to these people, we'll probably be able to ask him in a couple of years.  Horror
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Soul Phone, Soul Texting, Soul Switch, SoulVideo, soul 3D. With all that will there be a Soul Train? If there is I'm sure to be just as happy as these folks are.
(2017-10-10, 01:08 PM)Chris Wrote: Frankly, I find the claims made on the website regarding the likely progress of the project flabbergasting. 

They say there is a 90-95% probability that they can have the binary device functioning within a year "after receiving sufficient funding." Elsewhere it says their goal is that the binary device should be 98% reliable. That will allow dead people to answer yes or no questions.

Then they say it is "highly probable" they will demonstrate a fully functional keyboard device within two years. That will allow dead people actually to type messages.

And this isn't only Gary Schwartz. The website lists some pretty prominent people on the "advisory board". I can't help wondering whether they're aware their names are being used to solicit donations from the public on the basis of such bizarre claims:

There is nothing bizarre or for that matter especially unusual about the "soul/spirit phone effort"

There must be, oh, twenty or more teams that are using various and sundry protocols, many have and are making communication with discarnates who provide evidential testimony that ties them to their incarnate life.

This is a phase, a technologically driven 'answer' that one day we will find rather funny. When we remember that all one has to do to 'talk to the dead' is STFU, create the intent and listen.
(2017-10-10, 06:05 PM)Pssst Wrote: There is nothing bizarre or for that matter especially unusual about the "soul/spirit phone effort"

Is that what I said?  Sad
"This is a phase, a technologically driven 'answer' that one day we will find rather funny."  Depends how old you are now as there's no certainty any particular time frame will work out.  You might even be back in your next incarnation with folk still waiting for the promised breakthrough.

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