The Experiment at La Chorrera

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Red Pill Junkie has a recent article about the McKenna's hallucinogen-fueld "Experiment" at La Chorrera.

Share Me with Your Leader: Dennis McKenna Analyzes the Experiment at La Chorrera Through an Alien Encounter Lens

Quote:Dennis McKenna was abducted by aliens. His brother, the late Terence McKenna, became the appointed ambassador of the aliens –following in the footsteps of the UFO Contactees of the 1950’s and 60’s– in charge of laying the ground for their arrival.

Both of them were subjected to profound mental and biological changes which effectively transformed them into human-alien hybrids.
That could be one interpretation extracted from the two famous brothers’ surreal experiences during their little expedition at the Amazonian rain forest in 1971, popularly known as the La Chorrera Experiment. It could easily have been the conclusion reached by UFO investigators if they had ever bothered to interview them after their return from South America; that is, if the McKennas had decided to omit the tiny little detail that their whole purpose of traveling to Colombia was to look for an orally active version of DMT, the most potent psychedelic substance known to man –oh, and that failing to discover it, they were all-too happy to settle with the abundant clumps of pan-tropical psilocybin mushrooms they serendipitously found all around the tiny jungle village they settled into.

The article riffs on Dennis McKenna's recollections and reflections about the event last year, including in this presentation: The “Experiment” at La Chorrera: Psychosis, Shamanic Initiation, or Alien Encounter?
(This post was last modified: 2018-07-13, 03:31 AM by Ninshub.)

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