Table Tipping and The Etheric

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Local physical mediumship group, specializes in table-tipping. Something like this but much, much more dramatic.

Afterward, which is typical, there was a sitting seance, no table, letting any beings that desire to come through. One being addressed the validity of the etheric body, i.e. one of the energetic dimensions is the etheric realm which parallels our physical realm. Every physical body (including tables) is associated with a corresponding body in the etheric realm. The etheric body contains all the information
needed to describe the physical body. This mutual relationship means that a change in one results in a change in the other.

Prior to the TT session, a few of us were discussing the evidentiality of the beings (proof of who they are) and the use of ectoplasmic rods to raise the table. Problem, there is no medium from which to originate the ectoplasmic creation. So how do the beings make the table tip, jump, hop, independently move it legs, skip, levitate, answer, etc?

The spirit/being could move the etheric body of the table and the physical table would follow and/or the table can be move by the combined will of several non-physical entities or spirits who manifest a change in consciousness around the table (superimposition).

We, as a race, as a collective mentality, are quickly rising to a point where mediums may no longer be necessary for worthwhile communications.
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