Signs of Reincarnation - Book

3 Replies, 1424 Views

Published June 2019
Signs of Reincarnation
Exploring Beliefs, Cases, and Theory
James G. Matlock - Foreword by Jeffrey Mishlove

Quote:Signs of Reincarnation provides the first comprehensive look at the belief in reincarnation and the evidence for past lives from historical records, anthropological studies, and contemporary research. Matlock discusses various ways the evidence may be interpreted and shows that although reincarnation entails a rejection of the materialist notion that consciousness is generated by the brain, it does not require the acceptance of any radically new concepts or the abandonment of well-established findings in mainstream psychology or biology. This book offers students, scholars, and anyone interested in the possibility of reincarnation an essential grounding in beliefs, cases, and theory, while opening doors for future research into the extension of consciousness beyond our present lives.
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Carlos S. Alvarado has a blog post on the new book, including an interview with the author:
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By the way, those of you who use Facebook, there's a group called Signs of Reincarnation and Jim Matlock is a regular participant there, very willing to talk with others. A good place to speak with the author. As well as discuss research and ideas in this area.
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ONLINE BROADCAST: Signs of Reincarnation: What We’ve Learned: with Jim Matlock
July 12th, 2019 7:00 PM  through  9:00 PM

Times stated in Eastern Time zone.
(This post was last modified: 2019-07-11, 06:54 AM by Typoz.)
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