Should You Plan for Your Next Incarnation?

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(2019-07-31, 03:13 PM)nbtruthman Wrote: Such a "system" (being no system at all) even if it applied only to a portion of the population would certainly explain the existence of millions of miserable pain-filled lives without having to postulate deliberate soul choices that the human personality would absolutely never make. Presumably at least some souls would have a fundamental automatic attraction to physical bodies as they became available, and which body they would inhabit would be a random selection. This of course would upend very many channeled New Age and religious teachings.

One thing I should mention is the the souls who'd reincarnate totally via drifting are those who were unconscious during the process. Which could be caused by damage to the soul that destabilized it temporarily. Purely physical damage wasn't capable of doing much to the soul as the two were too out of phase to interact directly like that. But sudden, violent deaths could still cause some tearing as the soul is forced out of the body rapidly and not necessarily uniformly. Death, as far as I'm concerned, means being unconscious. And in a lot of cases just because your body dies doesn't mean you stop being conscious. Ergo, you're still alive as far as I'm concerned. In hindsight this tearing that can happen, or at least that's what my memories say, could be part of why more people don't recall NDE's.

My friends an I are all used to the wild west sort of incarnation and we created a policy around planned one shot lives like this one. Rule 1: A minimum of two people have to incarnate at the same time for "safety and sanity". Sanity because we as a group tend to have various ideas or personalities that don't mesh well with most "native" people in the area and not having at least that one other person to connect to can be very depressing and bad.

Safety because our personalities bleed through and we are often, subconsciously, more predisposed or drawn to certain ideas, philosophies, people (usually each other) and activities which typically get us in trouble.... like fighting. Rebelling against authority isn't exactly uncommon for us.

This is why Teal (she doesn't want me using the name I've been using anymore) is incarnated here as well and why, despite being born on physically opposite sides of the world, we ended up finding each other. anyways. It always happens with members of our group even when we have no memory of ourselves or each other.

We do our best to suppress memories to prevent any possibility of past life recall so that everything is fresh and new and more interesting.  It also makes certain skills easier to learn because you're not coming in with a bunch of preconceived notions which introduces a major safety issue for us. Why? Well, all of us are fighters and typically go out looking for trouble. We all enjoy finding people who are both really powerful and really hypocritical or otherwise causing a bunch of people a lot of suffering and "stopping" them. Partly because, at least for me, it's really fun watching them get psychotically angry about it but also because we all hate the unfairness of reality in our own way and people being dicks and thinking they're special because they have power or whatever really annoys us. It's kinda why we're all friends and how we all met.

The problem is that doing that stuff tends to make some people really not like you. Some people get very vengeful about it and they will try to hunt you down long after everything's over.

Not everyone is like this, actually it's incredibly common for people to have been acting out of their own trauma, emotional issues or misguided beliefs, and sometimes beating them close to death makes them realize what' they've been doing or at least acknowledge it because they are forced out of their routine or its a shock to their system or whatever and they get better. /EDIT::

One of the more vulnerable times is when you're incarnated, because you don't have most if any of your memories, skill or power. This leads to Rule 2: Everyone else stays in the area to keep watch just in case but otherwise don't have any contact with the incarnated or interfere in their life in any way unless absolutely necessary.

I'm not saying that no such system for learning and incarnation exists, just that, typically, it doesn't. Not that I'm used to anyways. And honestly that's part of why I'm sticking around to try to develop magic because normally up to this point if I'm incarnated I can't really get myself out. Someone has to be there to pull me out after I die or just physically or else I might just get stuck or lost. Or at least that's the fear and another reason why Rule 2 exists. So being able to develop magic capable of just portaling out on my own or something under these conditions would be worth everything that's happened in this life. I remember one time when we were all in some big fight and I died and then I had 3 successive incarnations across 2 different dimensions before they finally dealt with whatever it was and found me. Sometimes I've been forced to get myself out of an unplanned incarnation cycle,

Not having access to direct memory, not having the abilities you worked so long to develop, not having the body that's been specifically honed for them, it can make escape pretty much impossible for any of us. I really don't want that or worse to happen again. Not gonna lie, having a place where there's a sort of structure like this where incarnations are assisted is pretty nice, or can be.

(2019-07-31, 04:07 PM)Laird Wrote: In the context of systems of oppression (my post in another thread), we might question the source at the other end of those channels.

I know I've sometimes framed the whole spirit thing as purely oppressive and negative but it's really not,. It was and still is a very  complex issue that these days is far more positive than anything else. Nonetheless obviously just because someone channels it doesn't make it true. I know I had more stuff I was gonna say in this post but whatever, I can do it later if I remember.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
(This post was last modified: 2019-08-03, 04:17 AM by Mediochre.)
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I wonder why the usual sources of information (such as they are) on conditions of the afterlife such as accounts of NDEs, past-life regressions (Michael Newton's for instance), and trance medium channelings, don't mention Mediochre's unfriendly reality of "wild west" or hit-or-miss chaotic experience. Some possible explanations that occur to me:

-  (1) The afterlife as reported from these traditional sources is at least a very rough approximation of the truth. Mediochre's experience (and others like the DMT entities and other psychedelic-induced encounters) are peculiar and unique to him for reasons having only to do with his own nature and personal experience of afterlife conditions, and don't reflect the universals of most human experience of the afterlife. In other words, reality is still ultimately "friendly".

-  (2a) Mediochre's experiences are glimpses into the true nature of reality. For their own reasons the "powers that be" are systematically deceiving humans on these matters. Reasons could be that it is important that humans have some sort of hope of a better life to motivate them to endure bad Earth conditions. In other words, promote these teachings as the "opiate of the masses" - keep the serfs happy in their servitude to their masters. Spiritual reality is actually inherently as unfriendly and cruel as nature is on Earth.

-  (2b) Same as (2a) except that there is really no afterlife - it's existence is part of the deception.

-  (3) The "glimpses" of afterlife existence offered by the traditional sources are unreal simply because they are pure human imagination fueled by human emotional need for there to be a meaningful and rewarding existence.  Spiritual reality is actually inherently as unfriendly as nature is on the Earth.

-  (4) The glimpses offered by the traditional sources are real but just the initial transitory conditions of the afterlife. The long term situation is much more unfriendly, perhaps including in the ways reported by Mediochre.

Of course I would prefer (1), but unfortunately the universe is under no obligation to conform to my preferences.
(This post was last modified: 2019-08-04, 05:25 PM by nbtruthman.)
Just by happenstance, in case this interests anybody, this was the topic of a monthly newsletter by NDEr Nanci Danison, mailed two days ago:

Quote:Several readers responded to my last eNewsletter article by asking: "Can we plan our next incarnated life during this lifetime?" Some asked whether we Light Being souls can use conscious manifesting now to craft our next incarnation. All of them hope to be able to avoid pain and suffering the next time around. As someone who has suffered greatly this life, I empathize with this desire. Thankfully, I have the comfort of having personally experienced that all pain is gone and the suffering rendered insignificant once we leave these bodies.

I learned in the afterlife that we cannot plan our next incarnation during this incarnation. Nor can we use conscious manifesting to create physical reality in a physical life we are not currently living.

I know there are popular authors who assert that physical lives are preplanned before birth. I was given Knowings while living my afterlife that we Light Beings do not plan specific events to experience in any given incarnation. Rather, most of us have chosen a category of experiences to be our theme for incarnations and we select our physical host's parents because their lifestyle and genetics are likely to produce opportunities to pursue our theme. Our theme generally has nothing to do with any particular incarnated life. In other words, we do not incarnate to heal past wounds, or to correct past mistakes, or to evolve to higher levels. And we do not incarnate only into humans. We may choose a completely different species in another part of the universe as our next host. So our chosen theme is usually something that various different creatures have in common.

I also learned in the afterlife that the various events of an incarnated life are produced by either biology or the spiritual power of manifesting. Much of physical life is controlled by innate biology (eating, drinking, nesting, sleeping, recreating and procreating). In addition, we souls manifest physical life experiences to match what we truly and deeply believe about life, ourselves, and our place in the world. Those beliefs are crafted independently during each incarnation and are different each time. You will not have the same beliefs during your next incarnation that you have now. Nor will you remember this life or how you suffered.

If you still hate human life once you return to spiritual form in the afterlife, you can just choose not to reincarnate, or to incarnate into some other type of physical matter. You control the course of your life!
You can subscribe to her newsletter at
(This post was last modified: 2019-08-04, 07:35 PM by Ninshub.)
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A little bit of some of them. It goes without saying but I'm going to be going full crazy for this reply so yeah.

(2019-08-04, 05:07 PM)nbtruthman Wrote: -  (1) The afterlife as reported from these traditional sources is at least a very rough approximation of the truth. Mediochre's experience (and others like the DMT entities and other psychedelic-induced encounters) are peculiar and unique to him for reasons having only to do with his own nature and personal experience of afterlife conditions, and don't reflect the universals of most human experience of the afterlife. In other words, reality is still ultimately "friendly".

According to my memories, which at this point I have no reasonable reason to doubt at least in general, I'm not from here, at all and neither is Teal or anyone else from the group. Like, not from this entire dimension which includes any and all planes of existence and timelines of it. My experiences should be peculiar and unique compared to most other people because I'm effectively an immigrant. Or I guess more accurately a traveller, I don't think I an quite call this a vacation and it would make no sense to call it a business trip so let's just use that analogy. But before you ask, I don't really have anywhere that I think is my home in the normal sense of the word. We've travelled around so much that they are more my home than any place could be.

Quote:-  (2a) Mediochre's experiences are glimpses into the true nature of reality. For their own reasons the "powers that be" are systematically deceiving humans on these matters. Reasons could be that it is important that humans have some sort of hope of a better life to motivate them to endure bad Earth conditions. In other words, promote these teachings as the "opiate of the masses" - keep the serfs happy in their servitude to their masters. Spiritual reality is actually inherently as unfriendly and cruel as nature is on Earth.

What I was told was they were trying to coax the world into becoming increasingly totalitarian with the idea being that it will eventually make people grow up and gain self respect and stop outsourcing personal responsibility, confidence, worth, etc to external "authorities" like gods or governments or "the universe". Learning, eventually, through attrition I assume, that they'll just die, be enslaved or be generally miserable if they don't. Their methods would be very subtle and hands off so that people didn't feel like it was artificial. Which ultimately it wouldn't be, the most they would do from what it sounded like was psychically whisper in peoples ears to give them ideas to make the world go certain ways. So it really would be all humanity's doing.

On paper it kinda sounds like it might work. But, as I had pointed out to them at the time, for every MLK or equivalent you get there's a million suicidaly depressed people or psychotic breaks. Which is why the one guy kinda got offended and said I should come down here myself if I thought it was that bad.

This is more or less what I was told. including during this incarnation. They've also claimed that the reason they've used religious style messages is because they have to work in baby steps and can't just throw what they see as advanced stuff on people all at once.  Which quite frankly, sounded like "Humans are just too stupid to understand" to me. Same with their stance against magic, basically feeling people would just destroy everything with it. My problem with that was that if you treat people like kids they tend to act like kids so its a self fulfilling prophecy. And on top of that you can't tell me that you're legitimately trying to teach people when you're knowingly teaching them things that are wrong with the intent of correcting it later or something when they're "old enough".

After awhile of hearing this when the paranormal burst into my life I went "Hey, you know what another interpretation of all that is? That you're just trying to oppress everyone so you can feel special." And some were as far as I can tell, but far from the majority I think. I could go on but it's a lot to tell. Though I've said a lot of this before a few times here and back on Skeptiko.

Quote:-  (3) The "glimpses" of afterlife existence offered by the traditional sources are unreal simply because they are pure human imagination fueled by human emotional need for there to be a meaningful and rewarding existence.  Spiritual reality is actually inherently as unfriendly as nature is on the Earth. 

I wouldn't go this far but you can apply simple logic to it. Most of the stuff people experience involves other spirits who seem to be the ones working to maintain this structure. ergo if they weren't there or weren't doing that what would you have? Not that structure, I.E more of a wild west. So I would argue that to a degree it's pure imagination or at least naieve to believe that such a system is truly absolute. Just because this place might be set up in a more formal, structured way to make incarnations easier or a little more useful to the individual doesn't mean it's that way everywhere. All schools may reside in buildings but not all buildings are schools.

Quote:-  (4) The glimpses offered by the traditional sources are real but just the initial transitory conditions of the afterlife. The long term situation is much more unfriendly, perhaps including in the ways reported by Mediochre.

I don't actually think it's "unfriendly" out there. At most what I've seen is that the spectrum of possibilities is a lot wider. So I don't know if you characterize it a "the future". You can equally have someone build or take over one or more entire universes and torture people for fun as you can have someone build entire universes that are nothing but giant amusement parks open for anyone and everyone to enjoy. As a group, in general, we enjoy going out and getting rid of the former while helping the latter. But given the place is infinite as est as anyone can tell, you're never going to get rid of all the former. All you can do is make them less common in a given area. I do think, overall, the people on "the other side" have the same desire to help, just in a different way. A way that would probably make me go insane with boredom. Which has actually been happening in this life a bit, not gonna lie. I prefer to deal with the things that no one else can because it's just not fair that some people have no choice but to suffer because they happen to like things other than seeking power. And I like shoving people's hypocrisy and pride and self righteousness back in their face and watching them get mad about it.

Quote:Of course I would prefer (1), but unfortunately the universe is under no obligation to conform to my preferences.

Not with that attitude it's not.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
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(2019-08-04, 07:33 PM)Ninshub Wrote: Just by happenstance, in case this interests anybody, this was the topic of a monthly newsletter by NDEr Nanci Danison, mailed two days ago:

You can subscribe to her newsletter at

The trouble is, her pronouncements such as this:
Quote:Those beliefs are crafted independently during each incarnation and are different each time. You will not have the same beliefs during your next incarnation that you have now. Nor will you remember this life or how you suffered.
are directly refuted by those experiencing past-life recall.

In my opinion she is overreaching beyond her area of expertise.
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(2019-08-05, 07:47 AM)Typoz Wrote: In my opinion she is overreaching beyond her area of expertise.
Well technically she's not if what she is saying is based on the "knowings" she received during her NDE, and it appears to be the case, but of course there's no way of knowing how her NDE accurately reflects anything! Tongue
(2019-08-04, 11:58 PM)Mediochre Wrote: A little bit of some of them. It goes without saying but I'm going to be going full crazy for this reply so yeah.

Not with that attitude it's not.

I'm just trying to explore some of the logical possibilities given the evidence, attempting not to be biased by wish-fulfillment influences.
(2019-08-05, 03:32 PM)nbtruthman Wrote: I'm just trying to explore some of the logical possibilities given the evidence, attempting not to be biased by wish-fulfillment influences.

I'm not sure what wish it's fulfilling given I vehemently denied it and did everything I could to ignore it for nearly a decade because it was too crazy to be true and I didn't want it to be real either. That and research keeps lining up with what I remember. I just finished listening to Jim Matlocks presentation on reincarnation at the Rhine research Center and got a few more confirmations from it. That and my own experimentation. But that's the point of me labelling it "full crazy", I don't expect anyone to care about it.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
(2019-08-04, 07:33 PM)Ninshub Wrote: Just by happenstance, in case this interests anybody, this was the topic of a monthly newsletter by NDEr Nanci Danison, mailed two days ago:

You can subscribe to her newsletter at

....and we select our physical host's parents because their lifestyle and genetics are likely to produce opportunities to pursue our theme. 

This channeling is not really much different in the crucial problem area I have already pointed out. The problem here is that the 1 in 100 or 1 in 1000 extremely exceptional cases still have to be covered by this metaphysic - cases where a short, miserable and pain-filled life could have been easily predicted by the soul. According to the channeling the soul (termed "we" by Danison) deliberately picked these parents. But the human personality would never make such a deliberate choice of a miserable pain-filled life. Therefore the term "we" used by Danison is extremely presumptuous, and the soul is apparently not the human in any meaningful way.
(This post was last modified: 2019-08-05, 03:52 PM by nbtruthman.)
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Just a correction: it's not channeling, it's the information she recovered during her NDE, but your point stands.

It is a distinct possibility in my mind that the "soul" has a completely different perspective and agenda than the human personality, and therefore yes in that sense, in some ways, they may have little to do with one another.
(This post was last modified: 2019-08-05, 03:55 PM by Ninshub.)
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