RNG Training Experiment Idea.

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First of all, what I have noticed regarding the entire topic of PSI related to TRNG manipulation, many people have a huge problem with distinguishing the indeterminate and the determinate state. Also many don't have even a clue of the difference between PRNG and TRNG.

The links to the experiments provided in this thread so far are all based on pseudo randomness, aka determinate states. They cannot be manipulated by our mind without breaking the law of energy conservation. Interesting note of someone here was, that real PSI does not care about a determinate / indeterminate state, because it is able to change the information inside the RAM / CPU in some way. Well, this may be true, but also super rare. Thing about it: the computer was designed to prevent such occurrences. It checks for parity failures and corrects them. It repeats entire calculation processes, if something seems to be wrong. In fact, computers nowadays are fighting against quantum tunneling errors and requires to check their own results again and again. Therefore if someone of you here is able to manipulate a CPU or RAM, then you don't need to play with PRNG, go and manipulate your computer directly or this forum by changing just one bit, transforming a character "B" into "C" ... this would be proof enough.

The truth is, PSI is super limited, because our physical reality requires it. If we could just manipulate stuff on macroscopic level, we could destroy the structure our life depends on it. There seems to be a limit we can do. For example we cannot break the law of energy conservation. PSI does only change information, not energy. Sure it can trigger specific chemical reactions (and maybe this is how our brain works, by triggering neurons to fire changing the probability when to fire ... because eventually they will fire ... now, or tomorrow ... see John Carew Eccles and his book "How the Self Controls Its Brain"). Also according to Robert Lanza's Biocentrism theory, our physical universe is generated by our consciousness. It works a lot like a biological organism. If this framework would allow to change super important information easily, then anyone could trigger the start of a nuclear rocket. It seems that even here we can manipulate TRNGs only in a way that no law of energy conservation is broken and no important information (in its context) leads to the destruction of humanity.

I experimented a lot with TRNG in conjunction with digital radionics. You may have heard or read about radionics. Essentially it is nothing else than an empty box, a design which helps the "operator" to focus his mind for analysing and broadcasting "energy" (or information) to rebalance an unhealthy state. It is (was) used a lot in agriculture. Even today many people use it under different names. Most bioresonance devices are nothing else than radionics devices. There are many people who claim it works because of special radiation or scalar waves or quantum mechanics, but these pseudoscientific claims are just for the customers who have the money to spend. In reality the radionics box is a clever way to help to ground oneself and focus. The digital version of these devices use TRNG as a source for analysing patterns. The mind of the operator links towards the target (person, animal, or just an area in agriculture or garden) and search for the morphic field which cause the disturbance (or what morphic field / energetic pattern / information is missing) and this context imprints on the outcome of the analysis a specific order. The randomness from the TRNG is then "not so random at all". You can identify the pattern depending of the context (the question asked, the intention). Most important, it does not break the law of energy conservation and it does not change an information which could be important for the stability of the physical reality. It is indeed very easy to use, because the software use a lot of TRNGs during the analysis process, delivering plenty of possibilities to alter the information.

Seen from this context, PSI can be very easy. But changing an information inside a RAM or CPU by intention is a X-Man ability. Way too difficult to achieve.
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(2020-07-14, 11:06 AM)IsuretPolos Wrote: First of all, what I have noticed regarding the entire topic of PSI related to TRNG manipulation, many people have a huge problem with distinguishing the indeterminate and the determinate state. Also many don't have even a clue of the difference between PRNG and TRNG.
I'm actually in agreement with you - and the rest of your post provides fresh input too. Thanks for that.

I just thought it worth mentioning that a deterministic number generator may be useful in some circumstances, such as testing precognition or clairvoyance. But as you rightly point out, not for PK.
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By the way, I'm not familiar with your use of the term 'radionics'. I'm only familiar with it in the context of the now defunct company founded by Clive Sinclair. Perhaps you'd care to elaborate on your own knowledge of the term.
Quote:I just thought it worth mentioning that a deterministic number generator may be useful in some circumstances, such as testing precognition or clairvoyance. But as you rightly point out, not for PK.

Yes, in this case a PRNG is the correct approach for testing ESP.

In case one wants to test the morphic field influence of the PRNG generated numbers, a neutral observer could take a look at the result before the test. Using only random numbers will not really lead to success in ESP tests, because they are "meaningless". This change when someone else looked at the numbers before the test begin. For automated tests this is difficult to realize.

Let me explain what this means: A information unit, like 0 or 1, has a morphic field (immaterial and invisible, like a spirit). This information is maybe stored inside the collective subconsciousness of humanity. Whatever this information "means", it has a morphic field. But the field has also a strength. If this information is bound to another meaning, like "light on" or "light off" inside a room in a building full of artist painting a beautiful naked woman, then the morphic field is stronger than just a random 0 or 1. All ESP test performed revealed that the ones with more "meaning" resulted in better outcomes. Another example: the PRNG selects images, bad ones, good ones and neutral ones. The PRNG produces numbers from 1 to 3 (1,2,3). When the 1 is generated a image from a war or fight is selected from a database, a good one is a image of food or a cat or people laughing, and a neutral one is just normal architecture or similar. The numbers are stored in a database and the test subject can select 3 options, good, bad or neutral before the image is shown. These tests was performed with greater success as just selecting 0 or 1.
Quote:By the way, I'm not familiar with your use of the term 'radionics'. I'm only familiar with it in the context of the now defunct company founded by Clive Sinclair. Perhaps you'd care to elaborate on your own knowledge of the term.

A radionics device is a "black box", a "device" which helps to focus the mind of a PSI operator to concentrate his intention on a specific outcome.
Example: in the image you see a typical radionics device. It has a input well, there you place a sample for say "earth from your garden", in the output well you place a bottle with water. The stickpad is used by the operator to identify which substance or homeopathic remedy could be useful for the earth to produce more, and the knobs represents a "trend" or remedies or fertilizer (or whatever one use as a "rate list"). The operator moves his finger in circular patterns over the stickpad and in the meantime he adjusts the values of the knobs with the other hand. When the operator gets a "stick", means when the friction of the dedicated area on the device increase suddenly and his finger requires a lot more energy to move, then this is noted and he stops moving the knob. Alternatively one can use just a list of rates (a rate is a signature or name of a remedy or substance, even an affirmation). And alternatively to the stickpad one could use a pendulum (like in dowsing) and use that. There are (but not necessarily on every device) buttons for specific actions, like cleaning the device or wells, grounding (for the operator), broadcasting, and so on. The operator chose to broadcast the energy of the identified imbalance to the target ( a photo of the garden or a earth sample) and the energy transmitted acts like a homeopathic remedy (remotely, action at a distance).

A digital radionics device has two parts: a software and a device connected with the PC via USB. There are software versions only too. I developed a open source version, if you like to test it.

Radionics is in reality nothing else than psionics, a natural ability, like PSI and ESP. The device is an aid to the mind of the operator.

Sinclair Radionics is not radionics. The name just sounds technical and funky.

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