Reincarnation Research in the 21st Century: Dr. Terry Olesen

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Reincarnation Research: An Old Idea Rebirthed in the 21st Century - Dr. Terry Olesen (Mini-Con 2018)

Posted by the Australian Institute of Parapsychological Reserach in February of last year

Dr. Olesen shows how reincarnation research is transforming rapidly as out-dated methods (e.g., séance, hypnotic regression), have been supplanted by newer ones (e.g., case studies of remembered past lives, and exceptional talents/abilities expressed early on, such as artistry, mathematical genius, xenoglossy). Dr. Olesen discusses Facial Recognition, Interviews with Families, and contributions of Theosophy, Hindu, Buddhist, and Spiritualist traditions, with special focus on the use of modern technology to detect evidence of reincarnation across lifetimes.
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