Physical un-fitness linked with depression, anxiety in middle-aged women

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Physical un-fitness linked with depression, anxiety in middle-aged women

Carolyn Crist

Quote:Overall, 180 women, or about 16%, had depressive or anxiety symptoms. Women ages 45 to 54 were more likely to report symptoms.
Symptoms were not linked with menopause status, sociodemographic characteristics or lifestyle variables such as smoking or alcohol consumption.

Physical characteristics and physical performance did make a difference, however. Women with depressive and anxiety symptoms were more often classified as having moderate-to-low physical performance. Weak handgrip strength was associated with a 68 percent increased likelihood of having elevated symptoms. Taking longer on the sit-to-stand test was associated with 33 percent increased odds of symptoms.

“Our study shows an interesting correlation between the mind and body, indicating that physical strength is closely associated with mental health,” Yong said.
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