My participation in a Matt Fraser online group reading

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I just attended an online group reading (through Zoom) with the medium Matt Fraser, with a ticket purchased some months ago.

What Brian quoted here from someone who attended an in-person event wasn’t at all what occurred here. It’s an online meeting where Matt sees all the registrants, but we just see him, until and if he chooses us. (Or rather the discarnate comes through and guides Matt to choose the participant.) And when he selects someone, we see Matt and the sitter(s).

Matt would immediately select someone (not ask if that soul matches any participant or sitter) and start talking about the soul (or souls) that’s coming through for them. He describes the process for himself as seeing everyone in their little Zoom window surrounded by souls, but some will come forward and some won't.

It was an 1h30 planned event and lasted almost 1h45. You know ahead that you might not be selected and I wasn’t and I was OK with that. About 10 people or groups were people were. I couldn’t detect anything that felt like phishing. At most he would start with “Did you father pass?” “Yes”. “OK so he’s here and (etc.)” And everything that follows would be very detailed.

A lot of it was intimate relationship stuff but also other specifics like “And by the way he says to say hello to Kevin” (and then the participant says Kevin was the departed’s best friend). An exact word like “horseshit” would be mentioned as a word the deceased regularly used and that the clients would recognize was coming from them. One man near the end gave the picture of riding a John Dere mowing lawn tractor, which he loves, and the wife and daughter recognized that. Matt said another person (in London) used the “J. Lo” perfume, which was exact. Another person ate Devil Dogs. One deceased husband said the sitter (wife) called him an “ass”. Almost everything was exact and validated, surprisingly.

In another situation, the deceased father said it his was birthday, and the clients said it was (today, June 3) and that’s why they selected the date.

At no point could I detect just generalities. It was always very specific, like a person that died at the hospital having 2 exact rules about who should come in and see her and when and how they were disregarded! Or that same person telling the sitter (her daughter) that she was supposed to do her hair just before she passed.

Another soul (who had been amputated) warned one of the clients about the health of something close to them, after they had just "fallen". (They had taken a fall just weeks before, the sitter validated.) That person has health problems and is not attending to them.

All of the people chosen had readings that were very emotional to them, had a very strong connection. and I could understand why the souls picked them. For some it was their 2nd time here, or 4th or 5th, and Matt says the souls come through when they’re ready. It made sense to me that those people would be selected (again it’s the souls coming through very loudly, pushing forward, not Matt selecting) because the deaths were very significant and had a lot of hurt or emotional significance for them. That’s less the case with me, not counting pets (Matt did mention pets a few times accompanying human souls), and apart from someone very significant that died when I was very young.

There was only one different situation when Matt said a murdered soul was coming through and that was the only time he couldn't detect who it belonged to, and asked a few people. He said the connection was coming in and out, that it was a freshly passed person, and that that sometimes happens in those situations.He just changed to another soul after a few minutes.

With the service fee it’s 24.50$ which is reasonable in my book. I’m tempted to do this again. If you go on his youtube channel, you see clips taken from those Zoom readings (which he does in addition to in-person shows, where tickets are more expensive.)
(This post was last modified: 2023-06-03, 06:20 PM by Ninshub. Edited 1 time in total.)
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Remembering another detail. One of the souls connected to talked about a special blanket (I forget why it was special), and then it was revealed by the participant that she had it right with her (on her knees, below her camera). She had brought it for the reading knowing it was significant.
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Thanks for posting this. I plan to try and resume my personal investigation into the supernatural that got derailed during COVID. I'm hoping to have more in person interactions with mediums, shamans, etc but I like the ability and convenience of this kind of online interaction as well.

Will definitely sign up for a reading and give my own report.
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

(This post was last modified: 2023-06-04, 06:03 PM by Sciborg_S_Patel. Edited 1 time in total.)
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I've signed up again for July 30, although there were only a few "tickets" left for that one.

You do have to be willing to sign off the right for the recording of the Zoom to be used for whatever purpose Matt Fraser wishes, of course. You could end up in a clip on his youtube channel!

It's definitely more convenient than driving 9 hours somewhere to attend a large-scale show, that probably has a bit more of a show-bizzy aspect to it as well.

I am glad I did that write-up immediately after, as all that stuff I wouldn't have remembered, and reading it again it sounds pretty convincing to me!

(All of the participants that were "chosen" were from the U.S., except two that were from England.)
(This post was last modified: 2023-06-04, 09:48 PM by Ninshub. Edited 2 times in total.)
[-] The following 3 users Like Ninshub's post:
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(2023-06-04, 06:02 PM)Sciborg_S_Patel Wrote: Thanks for posting this. I plan to try and resume my personal investigation into the supernatural that got derailed during COVID. I'm hoping to have more in person interactions with mediums, shamans, etc but I like the ability and convenience of this kind of online interaction as well.

I did recently look up places in my area where they used to have spirit message circles with mediums and psychics, that I attended a half-dozen times several years ago. Unfortunately the pandemic seems to have done away with them.
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Matt is pretty amusing. He starts with a few introductory remarks, which includes reminding you that when he talks to you, everybody sees you! Apparently someone was on the toilet once. Big Grin
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I attended a second one today. I won't go into as much detail in the report.

There were only 6 people read, so it's potentially a very long haul if you hope to get a reading yourself.

Again, there was absolutely no sign of cold reading. All the readings were emotionally very significant, and I understand why those souls are getting the medium's attention if that is indeed what is happening.

The first "sitters" were a couple, the man didn't talk at all, and Matt immediately came through with him with a father he lost in 1996, and stating that he was an alcoholic, that the sitter was hurt and angry, and the soul of the father was saying how sorry he was, and how proud he was of his son. All of the unprompted details matched, like everything else for the five other people. Many details were provided for the different cases (horseshoes meaning the deceased had horses, method of accidental death through fentanyl-laced cocaine, a drug user who thought he was invincible and abused his body so that he died before the age of 40, people being misdiagnosed with their illness, one person who had anxiety and didn't take medication because of the side effects and resorted to drugs instead, a sitter smelling the clothes of the deceased and the deceased seeing that).

The only other explanation is hot reading, and I'm not seeing that as really rational or convincing given the amount of detail given. One interesting "case" was a woman, joined with two other women, whose mother immediately came through, and brought with her husband deceased on Friday! You can imagine how emotional that was. Again all very evidential. The mother spoke more than the husband, and Matt explained it's very rare for a deceased soul to come through so soon, and that it takes them a while to learn how to communicate. The people had bought tickets 6 weeks ago, well before the man's death or knew it was coming.

Of course it could always be psi rather than mediumship, in a way unbeknowst to the medium, but that's not a hypothesis I favor though it's a possibility.

I had with me my stepfather in his 80s. He was still skeptical but not on rational ground. This is all new to him and he just has trouble making any sense of it. "Must be magicians' tricks". To be expected given his entire lifetime of living with a certain mentality. Still it may have opened a "hmmm" in him.

Interesting that one of the deceased coming through had also been a skeptic of the afterlife. Matt says those souls often come through strongly because they're so excited about telling the sitters that they were wrong! I can imagine that experience will likely be my stepdad's eventually. (He isn't completely closed, just tends to automatically doubt, and have certain naive questions/remarks. Understandable if you've not investigated this world at all.)

I likely won't pursue this since I don't have the kind of emotionally devastating losses (unless you count something that happened when I was 3 years old) that these people had and the chances of getting "picked" are therefore even smaller. I am interested in getting a personal reading though and will be doing something about that. I had one several years ago over the phone with one of the mediums approved by Bob Olson, and it was fairly lousy (former member Bucky, I later learned, had also had a reading by her and was not impressed). Had better experiences attending little spirit message groups locally when that still existed, through watching other people with me get very evidential readings.
(This post was last modified: 2023-07-30, 07:59 PM by Ninshub. Edited 2 times in total.)
[-] The following 5 users Like Ninshub's post:
  • Raimo, Typoz, Laird, Sciborg_S_Patel, Silence
So this is cool. A few months ago I subscribed to somebody's channel on youtube talking about experiences with pets transitioning, I see she's an amateur medium in training, contacted her on Facebook and I will likely have a reading next week.
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(2023-07-30, 07:58 PM)Ninshub Wrote: I attended a second one today. I won't go into as much detail in the report.

There were only 6 people read, so it's potentially a very long haul if you hope to get a reading yourself.

Again, there was absolutely no sign of cold reading. All the readings were emotionally very significant, and I understand why those souls are getting the medium's attention if that is indeed what is happening.

The first "sitters" were a couple, the man didn't talk at all, and Matt immediately came through with him with a father he lost in 1996, and stating that he was an alcoholic, that the sitter was hurt and angry, and the soul of the father was saying how sorry he was, and how proud he was of his son. All of the unprompted details matched, like everything else for the five other people. Many details were provided for the different cases (horseshoes meaning the deceased had horses, method of accidental death through fentanyl-laced cocaine, a drug user who thought he was invincible and abused his body so that he died before the age of 40, people being misdiagnosed with their illness, one person who had anxiety and didn't take medication because of the side effects and resorted to drugs instead, a sitter smelling the clothes of the deceased and the deceased seeing that).

The only other explanation is hot reading, and I'm not seeing that as really rational or convincing given the amount of detail given. One interesting "case" was a woman, joined with two other women, whose mother immediately came through, and brought with her husband deceased on Friday! You can imagine how emotional that was. Again all very evidential. The mother spoke more than the husband, and Matt explained it's very rare for a deceased soul to come through so soon, and that it takes them a while to learn how to communicate. The people had bought tickets 6 weeks ago, well before the man's death or knew it was coming.

Of course it could always be psi rather than mediumship, in a way unbeknowst to the medium, but that's not a hypothesis I favor though it's a possibility.

I had with me my stepfather in his 80s. He was still skeptical but not on rational ground. This is all new to him and he just has trouble making any sense of it. "Must be magicians' tricks". To be expected given his entire lifetime of living with a certain mentality. Still it may have opened a "hmmm" in him.

Interesting that one of the deceased coming through had also been a skeptic of the afterlife. Matt says those souls often come through strongly because they're so excited about telling the sitters that they were wrong! I can imagine that experience will likely be my stepdad's eventually. (He isn't completely closed, just tends to automatically doubt, and have certain naive questions/remarks. Understandable if you've not investigated this world at all.)

I likely won't pursue this since I don't have the kind of emotionally devastating losses (unless you count something that happened when I was 3 years old) that these people had and the chances of getting "picked" are therefore even smaller. I am interested in getting a personal reading though and will be doing something about that. I had one several years ago over the phone with one of the mediums approved by Bob Olson, and it was fairly lousy (former member Bucky, I later learned, had also had a reading by her and was not impressed). Had better experiences attending little spirit message groups locally when that still existed, through watching other people with me get very evidential readings.
Very interest Ninshub. Thank you.
(This post was last modified: 2023-07-31, 04:39 PM by Obiwan. Edited 1 time in total.)
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