Metron, Kirby's God of Science

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Quote:Jack Kirby (Amazing Heroes #47): “There’s never been a god like Metron. There’s never been an academic god, but we have him now.

Edward Teller was a scientist of great repute, and probably a very nice guy. Yet he created something which can wipe out the human race. So too must Metron keep searching for knowledge, regardless of the fact Darkseid can use his discoveries for evil, as he has with the Boom Tube. Metron has his own drives. He wants to know all there is, and that’ll be his eternal frustration.”

A character summary here.

Will post some more thoughts on Kirby's claim that there's never been an academic god...I think he is correct in some sense, in that Metron is arguably a Trickster of Scientism...

[Image: 2635e9a70d8fa8c8e350d514b1bcefbd._SX1600_QL80_TTD_.jpg]

[Image: 095cc9499b4082a8d5714dc69ce6a31481ff350f.jpg]

cr. Final Crisis #1, Grant Morrison (writer) & JG Jones (artist)
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

The Kirby Effect #22: Allegory Of His Life

Stan Taylor

Quote:I think if Highfather symbolizes any one thing, it is that man can rise above his barbarian/warrior persona and become unto a God, but it must be thru a rite of passage that leads him to faith and goodness; perhaps a little Franklin Roosevelt battling thru paralysis to become an inspirational leader. Only one person in the Fourth World saga actually had direct contact with the Source, while others, such as the evil Darkseid, and the faithless Metron were stopped from reaching the Source by a barrier. Is this Kirby’s way of saying that power and knowledge have limits and the next step can only be achieved through absolute faith? Is this not the most basic tenet of most religions? Unfortunately Highfather was never fleshed out by Kirby so he remains unfinished in my mind.

Quote:Metron was one of Kirby’s unemotional observer archetype, but he was more, he was science run amok. He was the fear that science was moving so fast that we could no longer control our human side. Metron was amoral- he cared not which side he was making weapons for, or what the consequences. Metron was based on the cold aloof Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, director of the Manhattan Project who once famously said; “When you see something that is technically sweet, you go ahead and do it and you argue about what to do about it only after you have had your technical success. That is the way it was with the atomic bomb.” To Metron the time to worry was after the barn door was opened. Yet Kirby was also aware that for humanity to grow, Metron’s knowledge was essential, so Highfather kept him close, and somewhat restrained. Eisenhower’s Military Industrial complex speech might be a good example of Kirby’s concern. Metron was also Jack Kirby’s unending search for answers; he always turned to Metron when highlighting the philosophical/spiritual context for the Fourth World. Robby Reed, on his essential blog “Dial B for Blog”-now at 600 posts– took this Metron as Kirby idea even further.

Quote:...Metron is a man who sits in a chair that can go anywhere in time and space. Isn’t that just like JACK KIRBY sitting at his drawing table, on his own private “mobius chair”?

The resemblance grows stronger if you know that Jack did a sort of prototype for Metron’s Mobius Chair in Alarming Tales #2, November 1957, in a story called “Donnegan’s Daffy Chair.”...

...Donnegan is a dead ringer for young Jack Kirby, and his “daffy” chair comes complete with its own built-in mini drawing board!

[Image: 22-chair.jpg]
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

(This post was last modified: 2021-03-06, 07:33 PM by Sciborg_S_Patel.)

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