Managing the Weirdness

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Managing the Weirdness

Aidan Watcher

Quote:Or, dealing with the world as it & you wake up together.

This is to address several correspondences from folks who are having things 'wake up' on them due to starting a functional practice, in this case, beginning the various works described in my book Six Ways.

To be clear: you'll have that. As we move into a relationship with the Field & the Others, things can get really, really wonky really, really fast. And it doesn't happen at all the same for different people. This is not a 'problem' as in something that you are doing wrong that has to be fixed, it's more like a side effect from over-stimulation of both ourselves & the other parties involved.

This can manifest as: 
  • everything breaking, electronics in particular
  • we (or those around us) become emotionally unstable
  • we (or those around us) become paranoid
  • we experience semi-'poltergeist' type activity
  • our sleep cycle gets fucked up
  • we start to slip into whatever our 'self-abuse' cycle is
  • etc, etc, you can just fill in the blanks
In most cases, this will settle down fast. But there are a few things you can do to help ease the transition a bit. How much it will help is too wide open of a question to even address!
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

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So, I read the article, and though I like the concept behind it as per the quote above, in my opinion it more or less goes downhill from there. But I want to tackle one particular point.

Quote:First, it's time to begin making offerings to your allies, right now. Do it. Clear, cool water and non-spicy, cool scents only, white flowers are particularly good.

Firstly, why? Secondly, why those offerings and not others? I'm willing to bet the answer more or less boils down to "because reasons" as most spiritual things tend to. However, here's the main thing that kinda... bothers me.

Quote:Make offerings as discussed in the book, both to those spirits that aid & guard you and after that, all of those that hinder you, asking that they accept the offerings and chill out, 'let there be peace between us all of our days'.

So, basically, this guys solution to people aggressing against them is to reward them for doing so. It's probably no surprise to anyone why I of all people would think this is incredibly retarded. How stupid does someone have to be to think that giving into an agressor will cause them to stop? as opposed to what actually happens, which is a temporary reprieve at best, and then a repeated schedule of demanding payment for protection from them. Typically with slowly but steadily increases in how much you need to give to avoid harm because, hey, you've paid up until this point, not like you're gonna grow a spine now right?

Because that's the crux, as much as its true that standing up for yourself can be dangerous, I can certainly attest to that from personal experience, its the only real way to make shit like this stop. and if you have self respect and dignity, that's the path you'll take, because you care about more than simply staying alive a few more days liker an animal.

The answer to an aggressor is to, first and foremost, try to determine why they're doing it to make sure there isn't any misunderstanding. Try and talk, and make it, very, very clear that any further advances will result in their total evisceration. If they continue after that, then whatever you do to them was their own choice. Make every other potential aggressor realize that trying shit with you simply isn't worth it.

It makes me a little sad and angry that so many people have an attitude about spirits that they're just somehow untouchable and that if one's harming them then there's just nothing they can do about beyond maybe burning some sage and wishing they'll just go away. If you can astral project, or OBE, you can bring yourself into phase with them, which means you can touch them, And if you can touch them, you can do a hell of a lot more to them too. I can at the very least say that this was what I did when people claimed they were the ones dropping light fixtures on me and my family for fun. and that did snowball of bullshit which did at times become life threatening. And it's true that ultimately I'm only really alive because of the assistance of other spirits. But these days, nothing haunts me, because everything that tried is fucking dead. and everything else refuses to bother.

I don't regret it, I learned a huge amount about the physics behind how these two realms interact, which formed the backbone of my attempts to develop real magic. I am, in effect only able to work on that project because of all the shit that I went through and survived. But more than that, I take a huge amount of pride in that as an accomplishment, and I like that I probably changed the math in some of their minds. Maybe out there somewhere someone wasn't messed with because some spirit wondered if this person was going to be like I was, and make them regret their entire existence.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
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(2020-10-15, 03:42 AM)Mediochre Wrote: So, basically, this guys solution to people aggressing against them is to reward them for doing so. It's probably no surprise to anyone why I of all people would think this is incredibly retarded. How stupid does someone have to be to think that giving into an agressor will cause them to stop? as opposed to what actually happens, which is a temporary reprieve at best, and then a repeated schedule of demanding payment for protection from them. Typically with slowly but steadily increases in how much you need to give to avoid harm because, hey, you've paid up until this point, not like you're gonna grow a spine now right?

Because that's the crux, as much as its true that standing up for yourself can be dangerous, I can certainly attest to that from personal experience, its the only real way to make shit like this stop. and if you have self respect and dignity, that's the path you'll take, because you care about more than simply staying alive a few more days liker an animal.

The answer to an aggressor is to, first and foremost, try to determine why they're doing it to make sure there isn't any misunderstanding. Try and talk, and make it, very, very clear that any further advances will result in their total evisceration. If they continue after that, then whatever you do to them was their own choice. Make every other potential aggressor realize that trying shit with you simply isn't worth it.

It makes me a little sad and angry that so many people have an attitude about spirits that they're just somehow untouchable and that if one's harming them then there's just nothing they can do about beyond maybe burning some sage and wishing they'll just go away. If you can astral project, or OBE, you can bring yourself into phase with them, which means you can touch them, And if you can touch them, you can do a hell of a lot more to them too. I can at the very least say that this was what I did when people claimed they were the ones dropping light fixtures on me and my family for fun. and that did snowball of bullshit which did at times become life threatening. And it's true that ultimately I'm only really alive because of the assistance of other spirits. But these days, nothing haunts me, because everything that tried is fucking dead. and everything else refuses to bother.

I don't regret it, I learned a huge amount about the physics behind how these two realms interact, which formed the backbone of my attempts to develop real magic. I am, in effect only able to work on that project because of all the shit that I went through and survived. But more than that, I take a huge amount of pride in that as an accomplishment, and I like that I probably changed the math in some of their minds. Maybe out there somewhere someone wasn't messed with because some spirit wondered if this person was going to be like I was, and make them regret their entire existence.

Yeah it does seem a bit odd, when the book itself gets to me I'll let you know if there's any more to his reasoning here.
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

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(2020-10-15, 04:55 AM)Sciborg_S_Patel Wrote: Yeah it does seem a bit odd, when the book itself gets to me I'll let you know if there's any more to his reasoning here.

I won't be surprised if the book actually has a lot of useful information in it though, but yeah it'd be cool to know if there's anything in there that explains this.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
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