Julie Beischel: Survival Psi and Somatic Psy

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I seem to remember discussing not long ago wondering if Julie Beischel was still active in her research.

The issue of the Journal of Near-Death Studies before the one that just came out had this new paper of hers (with 3 colleagues), which can be read here:

Survival Psi and Somatic Psi: Exploratory Quantitative Phenomenological Analyses of Blinded Mediums’ Experiences of Communication with the Deceased and Psychic Readings for the Living
Quote:ABSTRACT: In this study, we quantitatively assessed mediums’ phenomenology
during readings in which survival psi is ostensibly used to telepathically commu-
nicate with physically deceased targets (discarnates) and during psychic read-
ings for living targets to represent somatic psi which cannot be experimentally
demonstrated. We also correlated dimensions of phenomenology with reading
accuracy. Ten Windbridge Certified Research Mediums (WCRMs) participated
in a baseline assessment and then in three counter-balanced conditions—a
blinded reading for a living target, a blinded reading for a deceased target, and
a control condition—and completed the Phenomenology of Consciousness Inven-
tory (PCI) at baseline prior to the first condition and after each of the three con-
ditions. In a significant proportion of the readings (74%; p = .032), the blinded
WCRM’s impressions accurately reflected whether the target was living or de-
ceased. Hypnoidal state scores, which estimate an individual’s ‘trance state,’
were significantly higher for each of the two reading conditions than for the
baseline and control conditions. Both types of readings demonstrated signifi-
cantly higher scores for the PCI (sub)dimensions of altered time sense, imagery,
imagery amount, and direction of attention and lower scores for the dimension
volitional control. As predicted, scores for love were significantly higher for
blinded readings for deceased targets than for living targets (3.65 ± 0.63 vs. 2.75
± 1.18, respectively; t[9] = 2.78, p = .02, two-tailed). The global accuracy scores of
readings for living targets (2.38 ± 1.51) were significantly negatively correlated
with imagery vividness (r[6] = -0.76, p = .027) and absorption (r[6] = -0.74, p =
.037). The global accuracy scores given to readings for deceased targets (3.22
± 1.56) were not significantly correlated to any PCI dimensions. However, the
correlations were significantly different between the deceased target condition
and the living target condition for positive affect and accuracy (z = 1.92, p = .027
[one-tailed]). Overall, the novel quantitative evidence collected during this study
under blinded, randomized, and counterbalanced conditions may reflect the gen-
eral phenomenology of psi and supports and adds to the empirical comparisons
of mediums’ psychic functioning and survival psi experiences.
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