Immaterial or Phase Shifted?

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I've noticed there's a tendency to see anything to do with OBE, NDE and the like as being associated with something that is not of the material world and I eventually noticed that I don't have that view. Also that I'm not sure why it's considered immaterial. Personally I think these things suggest far more of a phase shifted state than a truly immaterial one. Most of this line of reasoning comes from my own work on poltergeisting and the issues I've had with it regarding linear and lateral time.  Effecting the physical world seems to require a combination of condensing enough energy into one spot to give it enough inertia to grab things, and targetting the same lateral timeline that I'm actually a part of or likely to be a part of in the future depending on how far out the linear time coordinate is. I tend to represent this as a 6 coordinate system kinda like this:


I suspect this coordinate system more accurately extends to infinite axes and matrices.

From this I came up with something I call the "theory of inertial density" which states that we all have common physics and exist on a common plane because all of our "stuff" has the same, or similar enough, inertial density which is what allows it to react the same way each time every time to the same stimuli. And thus if you change the inertial density enough you will start to get really odd physics breaking behaviour because that matter is no longer in phase with the same physical framework everything else is.

This phase shifted concept is somewhat recycled in a mathematical model of reality I've slowly been working on that I call the Comparative Stress Model of Existence which has been my attempt to try to figure out how you could go from "nothing" to "something specific" such as this particular universe with it's particular physical laws without breaking the infinite regression problem of causality. So far the model is, in short, that everything is the result of continuous subdivisions of a single fundamental layer that goes from being completely vague to completely specific. Inheriting the properties of each previous layer into the next. And that this process can never end because the system can never, ever reach a zero energy state because that causes Comparative Stress which then acts as the engine that keeps it all going forever. Think of it kinda like gas trying to expand to fill and infinite space, it will just keep going, forever. Except the gas is math. and in some places the gas is going be totally surrounded by other gas which will push on it, giving the gas in the middle a sort of hard boundary of where it can go and what it can do.

Through this I've found that individuation of anything, not just consciousness, is a very interesting mathematical conundrum because conventionally speaking it shouldn't ever occur. Everything should be just a part of something else all  the way up to infinity. It suggests that individuation comes from this process happening infinite times in isolation from all the other ones that are happening and then those that are mostly the same tend to group together according to how "Adjacent" they are to each other in such a way that creates what we'd recognize as a physical reality. Basically, some discreet infinite balls interface with other, compatible, discreet infinite balls in whole or in part. And so you expect to see all the weirdness of quantum physics and specific relativity and universe expansion and all that because of it. But since everything ultimately inherits from teh same fundamental layer everything MUST interact with everything else since everything has SOME compatibility with everything else. The amount of market share that everything has in determining the strength of effects on other things are determined by their adjacency. So all these other planes would have weaker interactions because they are far less in phase with everything else here whereas we'd have very strong interactions with local physics and objects.

Confusing as that probably is I noticed that it nonetheless never had a concept of immaterialism anywhere in it. and I don't really know what such a concept would entail. The CSM for example would probably class these other consciousness realms as discreet phase states that have high adjacency to certain other phase states such as what we'd call the physical world. And these phase states may or may not have emerged from a different mix of subdivision than others which would account for different physics. But they are still, technically, material, just a logically different material. And also that consciousness along with everything else can't ever cease to exist because that would cause comparative stress which would fill in the pressure gap again anyways thus bringing it back into existence.

I don't know, it's just something I rambled out. Let the discussion begin!
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