I think my name says it all....

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I hope I'm in the right place. I am a newbe so I hope I'm posting in the right place. I have a question about premonition dreams. 
I have had a few premonition dreams in my life (and a whole lot of extremely off the wall weird dreams)
ok so with that said...
So for years I have been dreaming about a guy I have strong feelings for. I knew at one point he had some sort of feelings for me. 
The big dream I had he was surprised to see me at my brother's ex-wife's house. We sat and talked (we always talked a lot in my dreams) he looked bummed so I asked him what was wrong. He said "I'm having issues at home" I said "Oh I'm sorry" He said "Oh, it's fine" then his wife appeared behind us and dropped divorce papers on the table in front of us. 

(Real life)Fast forward a year later I noticed he wasn't wearing his ring one night so I asked him why. He said ""I'm having issues at home" I said "Oh I'm sorry" He said "Oh, it's fine" (The whole conversation was the exact same words)
He ended up getting divorced....meanwhile I was going through issues in my own relationship and my boyfriend talked to him and a friend of his knowing nothing ever happened between us......so since then this man and I stopped talking after he told me "I'm not interested" . 
and my dreams slowed down. Then suddenly I started dreaming all of the time that he was waiting for me. 
One night he was waiting by a hotel door
Another night he was waiting at the bottom of the stairs while I was talking to my friends. 

I had a dream about a month ago that he said Hi and things were ok with us. (he used to say that to me before)

Then nothing until last night.....I had a dream (which every detail is VERY clear just like the other dream) I was at a friends house for a sleep over and there was a large sleeping bag on the floor. A friend asked me If I was single. I said Yes. I got in the large sleeping bag and MAN X was there and crawled into my sleeping bag. I asked him what he was doing? He said "I've been waiting for you to be single" We ended in a relationship in the dream....it went on to weird things like him having an evil twin...

So is he waiting for me? Is this another premonition or just another way to annoy me? I haven't been thinking about him or anything. That seems to be when he "shows up" in my dreams.
Thanks for your time and Any thoughts?
(2017-09-27, 09:10 PM)crazymandreams Wrote: I hope I'm in the right place. I am a newbe so I hope I'm posting in the right place. I have a question about premonition dreams. 
I have had a few premonition dreams in my life (and a whole lot of extremely off the wall weird dreams)
ok so with that said...
So for years I have been dreaming about a guy I have strong feelings for. I knew at one point he had some sort of feelings for me. 
The big dream I had he was surprised to see me at my brother's ex-wife's house. We sat and talked (we always talked a lot in my dreams) he looked bummed so I asked him what was wrong. He said "I'm having issues at home" I said "Oh I'm sorry" He said "Oh, it's fine" then his wife appeared behind us and dropped divorce papers on the table in front of us. 

(Real life)Fast forward a year later I noticed he wasn't wearing his ring one night so I asked him why. He said ""I'm having issues at home" I said "Oh I'm sorry" He said "Oh, it's fine" (The whole conversation was the exact same words)
He ended up getting divorced....meanwhile I was going through issues in my own relationship and my boyfriend talked to him and a friend of his knowing nothing ever happened between us......so since then this man and I stopped talking after he told me "I'm not interested" . 
and my dreams slowed down. Then suddenly I started dreaming all of the time that he was waiting for me. 
One night he was waiting by a hotel door
Another night he was waiting at the bottom of the stairs while I was talking to my friends. 

I had a dream about a month ago that he said Hi and things were ok with us. (he used to say that to me before)

Then nothing until last night.....I had a dream (which every detail is VERY clear just like the other dream) I was at a friends house for a sleep over and there was a large sleeping bag on the floor. A friend asked me If I was single. I said Yes. I got in the large sleeping bag and MAN X was there and crawled into my sleeping bag. I asked him what he was doing? He said "I've been waiting for you to be single" We ended in a relationship in the dream....it went on to weird things like him having an evil twin...

So is he waiting for me? Is this another premonition or just another way to annoy me? I haven't been thinking about him or anything. That seems to be when he "shows up" in my dreams.

Thanks for your time and Any thoughts?


Are drugs involved?
(2017-09-28, 05:55 AM)Pssst Wrote: None.

Are drugs involved?

LOL Don't do drugs. HAHAHA

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