Harry Price

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Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page, here's a short Movietone News film from 1935 entitled "Psychical Research" featuring Harry Price, billed as "Honorary Secretary, University of London Council for Psychical Research". Price - then in his James Randi rather than his Uri Geller mode - shows off his library and laboratory, and even produces Joanna Southcott's box and rummages through its contents:

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Courtesy of the SPR, here's a recent blog post about (probably) Price's strangest case - Gef the Talking Mongoose, on the Isle of Man:

Gef was the subject of a well received book by Christopher Josiffe, and has his own Wikipedia page, website and blog.
(2018-06-05, 07:49 AM)Chris Wrote: Courtesy of the SPR, here's a recent blog post about (probably) Price's strangest case - Gef the Talking Mongoose, on the Isle of Man:

Gef was the subject of a well received book by Christopher Josiffe, and has his own Wikipedia page, website and blog.

Mysterious Universe has an article on a new book on Gef the Talking Mongoose, which seems to be a reprint of the original text by Harry Price and Richard Lambert with additional material. (Helpfully, the article has a lengthy extract from Britannica.com explaining what "Isle of Man" means, for those who don't know.):

Reviews of the book on Amazon could be described as "mixed." Three are full of praise, but the fourth says:
"This is a terrible (and legally dubious) reprint of Price and Lambert's original 1930s book. The supplementary material is atrocious, poorly-researched bilge. The whole enterprise stinks of opportunism."

I wondered myself about the copyright situation. Last year was the 70th anniversary of Price's death - 70 years after death being the UK copyright criterion - so perhaps that is what's prompted the reprint. But his co-author, Lambert, survived until 1981 (according to Wikipedia), so the original book is very much still in copyright, even in the UK.
I recently came across Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's, often terse, letters to Harry Price. They are available here.

Harry Price included a chapter, My Struggle with Conan Doyle, in his Leaves from a psychist's case-book.
(This post was last modified: 2020-02-19, 07:31 PM by Nemo.)
(2018-06-05, 07:49 AM)Chris Wrote: Courtesy of the SPR, here's a recent blog post about (probably) Price's strangest case - Gef the Talking Mongoose, on the Isle of Man:

Gef was the subject of a well received book by Christopher Josiffe, and has his own Wikipedia page, website and blog.

And again courtesy of the SPR Facebook page, Christopher Josiffe will be giving a free talk entitled "Gef! The strange tale of an extra-special talking mongoose" at Kensington Central Library (London) on Monday 24 February at 18.30:
Courtesy of Nemo C. Mörck's Twitter page, here is Christopher Josiffe on the Something Other Sphere podcast, talking about "The mystery of Gef the Mongoose":

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