ET Contact: What The Statistics Say

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Rey Hernandez, co-founder of FREE, has released their findings from surveys of ~ 4,000 ET contactees misnomered as "alien abduction" victims. I have taken the survey, it is three parts, and takes several hours to complete. It is taken anonymously, over a period of days, the results are tabulated and added to their database, the first of its kind.

What I have found to be astonishing is the consistency of information not only between contactees but from what is relayed to us from the extraterrestrial community. I can absolutely tell you, to each person who is reading this post, that the information will be new, refreshing and, most probably, completely surprising.

Take a look/listen.

For those lazy bums, you can see the intermediate results up to 2016 here.

One thing my neighbor Ray has stated that is entirely true. UFOlogy is crap, dead. Consciousness drives this phenomenon not Warp drive engines.
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