Dream Classifications

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Random/Non-lucid – Defined by their lack of structure, usually fuzzy visuals, and non-lucidity

Semi lucid A - Dreams where I am consciously non-lucid but subconsiously lucid. Known for doing things like telling people I’m in a dream but not aware I’m doing so. Instead believing it’s all real. A difficult state to explain.

Semi Lucid B - Odd state that I’m not sure is truly semi lucid. Consciously aware I’m in a dream but unable to use most magic maybe due to some form of subconscious or emotional block. These dreams tend to feel like they themselves lack magic, as if it’s a property of the environment rather than a skill. However due to knowing it’s a dream and thus knowing magic is real I am usually able to force small amounts of magic with sheer willpower. Not sure if this should be considered a real dream state.

Lucid – any dream where I’m consciously aware that I’m dreaming. Tend to be a lot more vivid than other dreams but this varies wildly and so is not part of the definition.

Hyper Lucid – dramatic jump in depth. Almost indistiguishable from real life except for ambient feelings such as the tether. Most people that I’ve induced shared dreams with report levels of depth comparable with hyper lucid dreams. Typically reporting a sudden jump in quality at the moment that correlates with me connecting to them via projection. Everyone described it as “The most real thing I’ve ever experienced.”

Full Transition – Very similar to hyper lucid dreams. Completely indistiguishable from real life but defined by their lack of a tether. Have incredibly complex and consistent physics. Often but not always entered via lucid/hyper lucid dreams. So indistiguishable from real life that, despite knowing I entered via a lucid dream, I will sometimes doubt that I did and wonder if it’s all real.

People in FTD’s have the unique behaviour of completely believing that the world around them is real life and will think I’m crazy for saying I’m in a dream among other possibly realistic reactions.. This has happened so many times that I just don’t bother telling people anymore.

Because of the completeness of FTD’s I have very serious suspicions that they are legitimately alternate realities or equivalent. If so real life is just another FTD. This is supported most directly by the “Nailmarks Dreamgeist” but also every other poltergeist I’ve ever done that involved magic. Most notably the Rose Rune and the time I pulled down a friend to Dreamsoaps house on the other side of the world and her and her roommate thought people broke in and were robbing them because they could hear us talking. Since the same methods that work in dreams and projections also worked in poltergeists the physics across the states is probably equivalent or at least compatible. It’s also something Gold has been telling me since around 2009. That the only real reason magic works in dreams is because I believe it will work in dreams. And that I should therefore treat reality like a dream. Something she demonstrated with the “Menality Training Sim”. With all these different pieces of supporting evidence that I’ve gathered over the years from both personal experiments, expereinces, parpsychology and NDE research done by others that shows the same effects, etc. I’d say it’s probably right. If so then damn, be happy you’re in the reality you’re in. Because I’ve been to a few that you would absolutely not want to visit.

Despite initial predictions the Kruger effect does not appear to occur in FTDs. Possibly because they lack a tether and one theory about the mechanism behind the KE is that energy is transferred via the tether from body to body or plane to plane, however you wanna think about it. No tether, no energy transfer. However my data on Kruger Effect via dreams is incredibly limited, so I can’t know for sure yet and I’m not about to go possibly get myself worse than killed to test it.

FTD’s seem to have more ability to dialate time than other states. I’ve had 3 FTD’s that have lasted more than a month. “Loderunner” which was maybe 2 months long. “Dictator Aheadjro”/The Spanish Dream (maybe portugese) which was at least a month long, probably 2, maybe 3. At least one week of which was spent in a coma so I was told. And the “Goddess Tournament” which was 6-8 months long. I’ve since heard stories of people spending much, much longer in states that seem to match the behaviour of an FTD. Which supports the idea of timespace encapsulation and further supports the idea that real life is just another FTD which supports the same multiverse spectrum model that is described in my possible past life stuff.
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(This post was last modified: 2019-07-08, 09:39 PM by Mediochre.)
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Under the heading "Dream Classifications" I might add (in no particular order)
  • direct contact with the deceased
  • messages of guidance/wisdom
  • symbolic dreams (various)
  • precognitive dreams whether symbolic or direct
There's no particular reason why I selected these, except they may be some of the reasons why dreams are important for me.
[-] The following 4 users Like Typoz's post:
  • Laird, Doug, Mediochre, Ninshub
(2018-07-01, 07:57 PM)Typoz Wrote: Interesting.
Under the heading "Dream Classifications" I might add (in no particular order)
  • direct contact with the deceased
  • messages of guidance/wisdom
  • symbolic dreams (various)
  • precognitive dreams whether symbolic or direct
There's no particular reason why I selected these, except they may be some of the reasons why dreams are important for me.

I thought of adding stuff like that but didn't because those describe dream content rather than an overall discreet state.  If I added those I'd need o add dog dreams, falling dreams, flying dreams, etc. Except maybe precognitive but I don't think I've ever had one. And if I did I'd have to be able to find something that distinguishes it as such from within the dream, otherwise there's no way to tell it apart.
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