Aliens and Physics

4 Replies, 759 Views

Happened to think about the forum here when I was having a discussion over lunch with my father about UFOs and so on. He's a rather religious fellow, and waves off UFOs because the only knowledge he has of them are wacko tV shows claiming to be about them. He must think anybody who is even slightly convinced of their existence is crazy. But then again, he's the guy who through some misleading news article who believes quantum mechanics proves the existence of God and that Michio Kaku is a Christian  Confused

He puts a lot of faith in some statement he heard somewhere that because aliens would have to defy physics as we understand it, they can't exist. Of all the
e reasons I've heard given to not believe in aliens and UFOs, this has struck me as a strange one. Because all sorts of physicists believe the existence of aliens and UFOs is really probable
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(2018-03-24, 05:05 PM)Desperado Wrote: Happened to think about the forum here when I was having a discussion over lunch with my father about UFOs and so on. He's a rather religious fellow, and waves off UFOs because the only knowledge he has of them are wacko tV shows claiming to be about them. He must think anybody who is even slightly convinced of their existence is crazy. But then again, he's the guy who through some misleading news article who believes quantum mechanics proves the existence of God and that Michio Kaku is a Christian  Confused

He puts a lot of faith in some statement he heard somewhere that because aliens would have to defy physics as we understand it, they can't exist. Of all the
e reasons I've heard given to not believe in aliens and UFOs, this has struck me as a strange one. Because all sorts of physicists believe the existence of aliens and UFOs is really probable

Is this what he means?
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(2018-03-24, 07:29 PM)malf Wrote: Is this what he means?

Something similar to that, yes. In reading that, I almost feel it's down to opinion. Nobody ever said it would be easy to harness the energy needed for that kind of travel. However, I don't see it writing off aliens from the explanations a priori. Not at all. Aliens are out of the author's belief system, so of course in even the face of any credible evidence he would rather believe that the odds of aliens being that far ahead of us being low.
(2018-03-24, 05:05 PM)Desperado Wrote: He puts a lot of faith in some statement he heard somewhere that because aliens would have to defy physics as we understand it, they can't exist. Of all the reasons I've heard given to not believe in aliens and UFOs, this has struck me as a strange one.

Not really. He sees everything through the prism of physical reality as he creates it. In his PR, there only exists one set of physics which either 

1) exists everywhere including wherever these aliens of his come from or

2) there is only the universe and he assumes incorrectly that the laws of physics - whatever they might be -  are the natural limits for the his 'entire' universe.
(2018-03-24, 11:25 PM)Desperado Wrote: ...Nobody ever said it would be easy to harness the energy needed for that kind of [interstellar] travel. However, I don't see it writing off aliens from the explanations a priori. Not at all. Aliens are out of the author's belief system, so of course in even the face of any credible evidence he would rather believe that the odds of aliens being that far ahead of us being low.

There is a tendency to lump all ETs 'aliens' into one race or species. How many different humans are there? Some ETs are so extremely advanced that they are incomprehensible. Others are less advance than we are (any being that is not of Earth is an extraterrestrial). The ones that have championed interstellar travel have done so not so much with energy manifestation and control as it is control over their consciousness. And the ability to communicate with other consciousness (their ships) at will.

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