A Quantum Coherence-Recoherence-Based Model of Reality

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A Quantum Coherence-Recoherence-Based Model of Reality

Carlos Eduardo Maldonado

Quote:This paper discusses a coherence-recoherence-based model of reality and argues that the world and nature can be grasped as positive and negative loops of continuous coherence-decoherence-recoherence behaviors. In so doing, the paper presents a state-of-the-art about recoherence and claims that the world and nature can be taken as an unceasingly process of decoherence-and-recoherence. Non-linearity and non-equilibrium dynamics prevail in nature.

Quote:In one way or another, the core issue remains the very fact that reality is information, rather than sheer matter (mass) or energy (Vedral, 2010). If so, information is never completely lost, and if the knowledge about it is the very knowledge about the continuous dephasing of reality and re-phasing – as a wave that vanishes and appears once and again but never in the same way (i.e. never exactly in the way it has been grasped once). It seems true, after all: we never step on the same river twice – for it is not the same river, and it is not the same man, as Heraclitus once pointed out.

This brings us back to the "what is information?" question...
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

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