‘What I saw that night was real’: is it time to take aliens more seriously?

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Going back to the Zigmund Adamski case... Adamski was found wearing the clothes he disappeared in, he had only just died, he was missing his shirt and all his personal effects. His hair had been very roughly chopped short. There were burn marks around the top of his head, and a weeping blistered wound on the back of his neck that was covered with a green gel-like substance. Although Adamski had been missing for 5 days, he had only one days worth of stubble growth, and his stomach contents confirmed he had eaten within the last 24 hours.

Assuming his hair was roughly chopped short immediately following his disappearance, it seems bizarre that he had only one days growth of stubble. He must therefore have shaved on at least the fourth day. Assuming he was detained against his will, why would somebody allow him the luxury of a clean shave with a nice razor, but roughly chop his hair off, burn areas all over his scalp, and wound his neck? Perhaps he chopped his own hair, and self-inflicted the wounds to his head, or, perhaps he was only detained against his will after he had shaved on the fourth day?

Of course there is another alternative story which we should consider if time is involved here. According to the Feynman-Stueckelberg Interpretation, the antimatter collected within the CERN Antiproton Accumulator is identical to matter, but moves backward in time. Now this doesn't necessarily mean we can actually go backwards in time, it's more likely a mathematical representation. But it's still possible this backwards representation of highly accelerated antimatter might have a real effect upon our forward motion in time, perhaps counteracting it, by slowing down time.

In this case, from Adamski's perspective, he may only have disappeared for something less than 24 hours, whereas from our perspective he went missing for 5 days. God knows where he went...
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More scouring around to find newspaper articles nearer to Portland Oregon..... article from 5th of July 1947...

[Image: eugine-register-guard-5th-july-1947.jpg]
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Considering it's taken me some time to come up with the particle accelerator connection to the silver flying discs from ~1947, and Alan Godfrey's diamond object from 1980... and I've not seen this particle accelerator conjecture anywhere else, I find this paragraph in the article of 6th July 1947 (below) quite amazing... Just 12 days after the flying discs became publicised, here is a Nuclear Physicist at Caltec suggesting the flying discs may be caused by the Cyclotron's...

...the Los Angeles Evening Herald and Express quoted an unnamed California Institute of Technology (Caltech) scientist in nuclear physics as suggesting that the saucers might be the result of experiments in "transmutation of atomic energy". Dr Harold Urey, atom scientist at the University of Chicago called that "gibberish".

NOTE: experiments in the transmutation of atomic energy = cyclotron.

[Image: eugine-register-guard-6th-july-1947.jpg]

Between 1940 and 1945, Harold Urey served as Director of War Research, Atomic Bomb Project, at Columbia University, where he contributed to the Manhattan Project. In 1945, he moved to the University of Chicago's Institute for Nuclear Studies, becoming the Martin A. Ryerson Professor in 1952.

I put together a list of Professors from the Caltech Physics Faculty of 1947 to understand it's competence in this subject, as you would expect Caltech fields some big hitters...

CARL DAVID ANDERSON, PH.D Sc.D., Nobel Laureate Professor of Physics
LEVERETT DAVIS, JR., PH.D Assistant Professor
PAUL SOPHUS EPSTEIN, PH.D Professor Theoretical Physics
ALEXANDER GOETZ PH.D Associate Professor of Physics
THOMAS LAURITSEN, PH.D Assistant Professor of Physics
PAUL EUGENE LLOYD, PH.D. Research fellow in Physics
ROBERT ANDREWS MILLIKAN, P.H.D., LL.D., Sc.D., NOBEL LAUREATE Professor of Physics Emeritus
HENRY VICTOR NEHER, PH.D Professor of Physics
J. ROBERT OPPENHEIMER, PH.D. Professor Theoretical Physics
GENNADY W. POTAPENKO, PH.D. Associate Professor of Physics
WILLIAM RALPH SMYTHE, PH.D, Professor of Physics
THOMAS FOSTER STRONG, M.S. Assistant Professor of Physics
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(This post was last modified: 2023-01-11, 03:00 AM by Max_B. Edited 3 times in total.)
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Unfortunately I'm unable to find any way of accessing an archive of the Los Angeles Herald-Express which ran between 1931-1962, so can't obtain the original article quoting the Nuclear Physicist from Caltech. It probably doesn't provide any extra information than the Eugine Register-Guard reported, but it would be nice to have it!

So a brief summary...

1) On it's own, the period they were building these powerful cyclotrons, and the resemblance between the accelerated particle path in the cyclotron, and the flying discs in 1947 is interesting.

2) It's made more interesting by the Los Angeles Evening Herald and Express story which ruffled feathers by quoting an unnamed California Institute of Technology (Caltech) scientist in nuclear physics, suggesting that the saucers might be the result of experiments in "transmutation of atomic energy" [Cyclotron].

3) And it's given a little more weight, as top nuclear scientists around the USA were rolled out by the next day to quickly quash this speculation from Caltec. But I find it contradictory that none of these scientists had any information or idea about what the silver flying discs were, but were emphatic that it had nothing to do with the "transmutation of atomic energy". I mean, that's hardly scientific. If they've confirmed they don't know what the flying discs are, how can they say they know they have no connection with Cyclotron operations? It seemed as though they were rolled out for no other reason than to debunk the Caltech story.

That's about where the particle accelerator idea ends... until 1980 in Todmorden, England...

4) A connection is found with the period they were building and testing the Antimatter Accumulator (AA) at Cern, and the resemblance between the accelerated particle path in the AA, and the faceted diamond shape UFO seen by Alan Godfrey in Todmorden.

5) The AA is using highly accelerated antimatter particles, which have an opposite charge to regular matter, and according to the Feynman-Stueckelberg Interpretation are reversed in time.

6) Yorkshire Bus Driver Bob Coates actually stopped his Todmorden bus in the middle of the whirling anomaly on Burnley Road, around 5-10 minutes before Alan Godfrey drove up Burnley Road to see from a distance what initially looked like a bus slewed sideways across the road.

7) That Alan Godfrey apparently saw the side of Bob Cotes bus 5-10 minutes after it had left the scene, apparently distorted inside a faceted diamond shape that resembled the particle path within Cern's AA , and that the AA was at the time using charge reversed AntiMatter seem highly significant.

8) Taking Alan Godfrey's 1980 experience, together with the 1947 silver flying disc's, one has to say that whomever made that statement from Caltech in 1947 was probably correct.

Where does this leave us today?

1) If a Caltec Nuclear Physicist in 1947 was able to make the connection between these phenomena and accelerated particles, it's almost certain that others did.

2) Ring shaped particle accelerators don't seem to produce the flashing, shiny surface, flat disc phenomena of cyclotrons. It seems somehow that the tighter the bend the accelerated particle is forced to make by the bending magnetic force, the more likely bright visible UFO phenomena will appear, so something like tighter acute angles are more likely to produce bright visible phenomena, but gentler obtuse angles less likely (but more complicated than that). This is actually the same principle now used by Synchrotron Light Source facilities around the world.

3) Alan Godfrey's experience suggests that even though gentle ring shaped particle accelerators don't create bright visible phenomena, they may have an invisible defined border that matches the accelerated particles path, and that this border may becomes visible, if something enters the center of such a phenomena and is then distorted to fill the defined border. However, this phenomena may only be related to the use of Antimatter.

4) It's interesting to note here that unlike Cern's AA, FermiLab's Antiproton Accumulator in the USA is actually an equilateral triangle, with two sets of bending magnets blunting it's corners, as you can see on the plan below. It would be interesting to research if there was any relationship between the date of it's construction, and the triangle UFO phenomena sometimes reported with visible light on each corner, where the accelerated particles are forced to bend?

[Image: fermilab_aa_plan2.jpg]

5) The Zigmund Adamski case makes things feel a little darker with some type of spatiotemporal travel possible (to god knows where), and perhaps it has also been developed as an anti missile shield.

6) Alan Godfrey's book details interference and warnings, by a mysterious "man from the ministry", who already knew the contents of a letter sent to Alan by none other than Andrei Sakharov one of Russia's most renowned nuclear scientists asking for more information about Alan's UFO experience. It's therefore clear the man is either in British intelligence, or works closely with them. How else would this man know the contents of a private letter sent to Alan's home? (Note: What you won't find in the Wikipedia article I've linked to on Sakharov is any mention of his interest in UFO's)

7) Finally, I'd suggest that it seems very likely governments have developed, and are using this technology today, and that they continue to steer the public away from considering any connection with accelerated particles. After conducting this research, I really do feel like a poorly educated peasant in North Korea, who has absolutely no idea about the world beyond his immediate experience, and the lies that are told to him by his overlords to keep him blind.

Any comments...?
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(This post was last modified: 2023-01-11, 02:46 PM by Max_B. Edited 6 times in total.)
[-] The following 3 users Like Max_B's post:
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I have strong doubts this explain most of the UFO phenomenon, though.

Maybe have a look at this thread and the various cases nbtruthman brings up.


What would you do about cases where the ships seemingly land on the road as well and there are multiple observers involved? Plus all the other associated phenomena (car batteries dying, etc.) Check out the Levelland Texas case of 1957.

For an overview of the phenomenon, I'd highly recommend you watch the 2020 documentary The Phenomenon, which you can view for free streaming here:

The Levelland case is discussed among others.

Edit: the 1964 report by NICAP (The National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) covering in great technical details the most evidential cases (and their patterns, more significantly) is available to read here for free:

Given the type of technical analysis you're doing here, I would gather this possibly be of interest to you.
(This post was last modified: 2023-01-14, 05:08 PM by Ninshub. Edited 2 times in total.)
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(2023-01-14, 03:53 PM)Ninshub Wrote: Interesting.

I have strong doubts this explain most of the UFO phenomenon, though.

Maybe have a look at this thread and the various cases nbtruthman brings up.


What would you do about cases where the ships seemingly land on the road as well and there are multiple observers involved? Plus all the other associated phenomena (car batteries dying, etc.) Check out the Levelland Texas case of 1957.

For an overview of the phenomenon, I'd highly recommend you watch the 2020 documentary The Phenomenon, which you can view for free streaming here:

The Levelland case is discussed among others.

Edit: the 1964 report by NICAP (The National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) covering in great technical details the most evidential cases (and their patterns, more significantly) is available to read here for free:

Given the type of technical analysis you're doing here, I would gather this possibly be of interest to you.

It is. And you're absolutely right, I'm definitely not attempting to explain all these phenomena here. I'm only pointing out that I've noticed these highly accelerated particle paths seem to be correlated with the 1947+ silver flying discs, and with the 1980 Alan Godfrey case (which includes reversed charge particles and temporal phenomena).

I suggested that after 1947 they would have started classified experiments to investigate, and develop their understanding of this phenomena. The effect doesn't seem to have been anticipated, which is why the earliest sightings were documented before the government knew what they were dealing with. Hence the initial Caltec scientists comment is innocently made - but boy do they come down hard on it! - and it's never made again.

I'm a relative newby to seriously researching UFO phenomena, I didn't even know about Levelland until you mentioned it, and I will read up on it.
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(2023-01-14, 07:48 PM)Max_B Wrote: I'm a relative newby to seriously researching UFO phenomena, I didn't even know about Levelland until you mentioned it, and I will read up on it.

There are many strong cases like it, but that one's got several witnesses and is particularly noteworthy.

It's talked about at 29:30 in The Phenomenon. Again the link is:


The Wiki article:

EDIT: Watching the mention of it in that documentary again, it's very short, which makes me think I probably saw it talked about elsewhere.

Anyway here are some related videos with witnesses:

The NICAP report from 1964 also covers it. It's easier to read and find here in this pdf, starting at page 354.

It contains a helpful street map of the event and where the witnesses observed it.
[Image: Levelland-1957-map.png]
(This post was last modified: 2023-01-14, 08:32 PM by Ninshub. Edited 3 times in total.)
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(2023-01-14, 08:18 PM)Ninshub Wrote: There are many strong cases like it, but that one's got several witnesses and is particularly noteworthy.

It's talked about at 29:30 in The Phenomenon. Again the link is:


The Wiki article:

EDIT: Watching the mention of it in that documentary again, it's very short, which makes me think I probably saw it talked about elsewhere.

Anyway here are some related videos with witnesses:

The NICAP report from 1964 also covers it. It's easier to read and find here in this pdf, starting at page 354.

It contains a helpful street map of the event and where the witnesses observed it.
[Image: Levelland-1957-map.png]

That's a lot of information, thanks.
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(2023-01-14, 03:53 PM)Ninshub Wrote: What would you do about cases where the ships seemingly land on the road as well and there are multiple observers involved? Plus all the other associated phenomena (car batteries dying, etc.) Check out the Levelland Texas case of 1957.

I had a look at Levelland, then searched some USA newspapers around the same date, and then widened the search beyond the USA... There are lots of similar sightings...

In addition to Levelland...

*missile engineer James Stokes claims to have seen a somewhat similar object at Alamogordo (just east of White Sands), he felt a blast of heat, and apparently had severe sun burn.

*It's also also claimed that a very similar object appears at Itaipu Fort, Brazil at 2am on the 4th Nov 1957, where it apparently burns two Brazilian soldiers, and parts of the fort lose electrical power - but this case is disputed, and we have no names.

*Lieutenant Miles Penny reports a similar object was also seen hovering near the bunkers used for the first A-bomb explosion at White Sands, by two different military personnel 17 hours apart.

*Three policemen (Joseph Lukasek, Dan Digiovanni, Clifford Shaw) also see something similar (but more cigar shaped) in Elmwood Park, Chicago, and gave chase in their police cars for a mile and a half.

*The Coastguard cutter Sebago also tracked a what was possibly a similar object for 11 minutes on radar, and visually for a further 16 minutes in the Gulf of Mexico.

*A civil service worker at Lackland airforce base claims to have seen a similar object 200 yards away from them, disappear into a ravine near San Antonio. 

*Louis Harris exec Editor of Augusta Chronicle also reported a red ball also seems to have been seen hovering over the Atomic Energy Commissions Savannah River Plant near Augusta.

*And what is one to make of these two - completely different experiences from those above - incidents separated 1000 miles apart... one by a salesman... the other by a 12 year old child... they have very weird similarities... 1) 4 men 2 women vs 2 men 2 women 2) both speaking English and German 3) Normally dressed 4) and both mention different 'transparency' of the object walls.  Are these two incidents a hoax...?

6th November 1957 Pittsburgh Press
[Image: 6th-nov-1957-the-pittsburgh-press.png]

It's not really possible for me to make any useful insight into these cases which are already well documented.

All I can point out is my discovery of the accelerated particle path correlation to the silver discs in 1947+ and the diamond object in Todmorden 1980... this connection seems new, and useful to document.
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(This post was last modified: 2023-01-16, 02:02 AM by Max_B. Edited 1 time in total.)
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I've been thinking very deeply about the relationship between Alan's experience of the object shape, and the path of particles at Cern's AA, because it felt like there was something very deep I couldn't grasp going on there (obviously this is assuming my speculation has substance). I've struggled to even think of how to best think of it.

But I've finally found something to get my fingers around... to tease a problem out... and the question I've found I can ask, is... How can an accelerated particle going around the shape of the Cern AA ring, transfer the shape of the Cern AA ring to Alan's experience.

It's not so much that I'm asking about the mechanics of how the shape transferred from Cern France to Todmorden England, although this is important. It's a deeper more fundamental question, of how a particle could transfer the shape of it's past path around the AA to Alan's experience, so that he experiences the particles past path.

As an illustration to understand why this relationship between particle path shape and Alan's object shape is so deep... it is that it is almost as if the particle/s has a memory of it's path, and somehow that path memory is transferred to Alan's experience.

We experience macro objects in the world, all the time, like a chair or a table,  they are also made of particles. But in Alan's case, an accelerated particle/s transfers it's path to Alan, in such a way that a macro object in the shape of the particles path is transferred to Alans experience.

One is forced to think about how a particle can transfer a macro shaped object into Alan's experience? And conversely, what are objects, if the experience of an objects shape can be held/stored within the past path of a particle?

Much still to think about...
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(This post was last modified: 2023-01-30, 01:05 AM by Max_B. Edited 3 times in total.)
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