Psience Quest

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(2019-06-12, 09:02 AM)Typoz Wrote: [ -> ]One thing, at the end there is a voice, saying something like "Come on xxx". The xxx is a person's name I think but I can't quite make it out, it sounded like "Billo" or "Dillo" but it could be my ears.


Well, any excuse to post this:


(2019-06-11, 10:41 AM)Chris Wrote: [ -> ]Apparently this mysterious video has taken the Internet by storm:

Here's a sceptical commentary by Hayley Stevens, but surely it's scarcely needed:

Courtesy of the Anomalist - here's one mystery solved:
It seems the "definitely not human" verdict (from some) wasn't really justifiable. But I think we already knew that.


It's the 50th anniversary of Scooby-Doo!

In an email update, Jason Colavito comments a bit solemnly:
"While later incarnations of Scooby-Doo went native and embraced the supernatural, the original Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? series remains an influential depiction of skepticism and rationalism in the face of supernatural mysteries. There is certainly a lesson in there about the way every ghost, demon, and space alien is really some greedy huckster in disguise."

[Image: ScoobyDoo.jpg]


I read with excitement on Skeptiko that it's possible to get paid for posting on Internet forums.

If someone can tell me what I have to say and who to send my bank details to, I'll be very grateful!

PS I am quite prepared to change my religion if necessary. ROFL


Is there any reason to think getting replicable evidence of psi should be any easier than this?

The Prodigy are rereleasing a retitled version of one of their old songs in recognition of the coronavirus. It's called Stack My Fridge Up.


Mysterious Universe has a piece about animals and birds, normally fed by tourists but now starving because of virus counter-measures, attacking people - especially people carrying food:

I can't help wondering where it may lead:
I realize this applies to any Youtube video I've also posted ->

Friend Who Sent Link To 8-Minute YouTube Video Must Be Fucking Delusional

Quote:SALEM, OR—Sources confirmed that local man Paul Gallagher emailed friends a link to an eight-minute-long YouTube video Wednesday, evidently experiencing some kind of psychotic break that left him deluded enough to believe people would want to watch the whole goddamned thing. “Is he out of his fucking mind?” link recipient Stephen Dunstable said after reading the email’s instruction to “be sure to watch all the way to the end.” “Because he’d have to be clinically insane to think anyone would sit through a video that long. Three or four minutes would be crazy enough—but eight? And the asshole doesn’t even tell us what point we should cue it up to if we just want to watch the best part. I honestly don’t know what planet this guy is living on.” Later on, while procrastinating at work, Dunstable reportedly watched the video in its entirety and admitted it was “actually kind of good.”
I love that the article itself is short enough to be read in under a minute. Consistency FTW.
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