Psi Encyclopedia

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James G Matlock
by Karen Wehrstein
James G Matlock (b 1954) is an American anthropologist and leading reincarnation researcher. He has adopted a comprehensive, multicultural and interdisciplinary approach to reincarnation studies, and has advanced a theory on how it happens, the ‘processual soul theory’.

William McDougall
by Karen Wehrstein
William McDougall (1871-1938) was an eminent British psychologist who during appointments at American universities contributed largely to the establishing of parapsychology as an experimental science.
Harry Houdini
by Karen Wehrstein
The stage magican and escape artist Harry Houdini (1874-1926) was hostile to spiritualism, and wrote books about his debunking of mediums.
Journal of Parapsychology
by Carlos S. Alvarado
The Journal of Parapsychology is one of the most important parapsychology journals of the modern era. It was founded in 1937 by JB Rhine’s research group at Duke University, and has continued to be published to the present day by the group’s descendants. The journal has been mainly identified with experimental reports, but its content also includes research of spontaneous psychic cases, historical papers, critiques and literature reviews.

Camille Flammarion
by Carlos S. Alvarado
Camille Flammarion (1842-1925) was a French astronomer and psychical researcher, notable for his writings on mediumship and psychic phenomena, including case collections. He also distinguished himself as a novelist and popular science writer.
American Society for Psychical Research
by Society for Psychical Research
The American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR) is the oldest parapsychological organization in the United States. Organized in 1884, it has been through a number of changes and was particularly active in the 1960s under the leadership of psychologist Gardner Murphy. For some years it has been practically defunct and its assets are being run down.
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Dreams and Past-Life Memory
by James G Matlock
Apparent past-life memories may surface in the dreams of both children and adults. Children’s dreams frequently take the form of nightmares or night terrors and may be only one aspect of a reincarnation case. The past-life dreams of adults by contrast may be the most prominent feature of a case. Although occasionally the dreams alone convey enough information for the previous life to be identified, generally they do not. When cases are solved, it often becomes clear that the dreams include distortions of various kinds.
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Adrian Ryan
by Michael Duggan
Adrian Ryan is an independent researcher who has focused in particular on the effect of geomagnetic activity on ESP, looking for fresh experimental approaches. He is also interested in the philosophical and sociological implications of psi research.
Garret Moddel
by Michael Duggan
Garret Moddel, a quantum engineer at the University of Colarado, has carried out experiments in applied psi and remote viewing.

Hoyt Edge
by Michael Duggan
Hoyt Edge, professor of philosophy at Rollins College, Orlando, Florida, has carried out psi research, principally in the area of psychokinesis.
Edward F Kelly
by Michael Duggan
Edward Kelly is professor in the University of Virginia’s Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences. His current work in parapsychology emphasizes the relationship between psi phenomena and altered states of consciousness, a theme he has recently explored in two major studies: Irreducible Mind and Beyond Physicialism.

Lance Storm
by Michael Duggan
Lance Storm is Visiting Research Fellow in the School of Psychology, University of Adelaide. His research interests include anomalistic psychology, gambling behaviour and attitudes, Jungian analytical theory, and theories of perception, personality and therapy. He is particular interested in the use of emerging approaches in statistics and methodology to reach a deeper understanding of normal and anomalistic psychology.
Mark Boccuzzi
by Michael Duggan
Mark Boccuzzi is a mediumship researcher based in Arizona. He is lead developer at The Windbridge Institute, which he co-founded in 2008 together with his wife and research partner, Julie Beischel, PhD, and executive director of the Windbridge Research Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to research around survival of consciousness after death. He is also managing editor of the open access, free, peer-reviewed journal Threshold: Journal of Interdisciplinary Consciousness Studies.

Mario Varvoglis
by Michael Duggan
Mario Varvoglis is an American parapsychologist living in France. Since 1998, he has been President of the Institut Métapsychique International, a century-old foundation dedicated to psychical research.
Jessica Utts
by Michael Duggan
Jessica Utts is a leading American statistician who has endorsed statistical findings in parapsychology, notably with regard to research associated with the Star Gate remote viewing program.

Morris Freedman
by Michael Duggan
Morris Freedman is a Toronto-based neurologist who has carried out experiments suggesting that psi effects may be facilitated in individuals who have suffered frontal lobe brain damage.

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