Physical Mediumship

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(2017-09-04, 07:09 PM)jkmac Wrote: Can you explain what is meant by "control". Trying to get a sense of the process of one of these sessions. 

Also you have mentioned names like White Feather and others. Are these flesh and blood people or entities that the PM is channeling?

I assume there are assistants of a sort that help the medium.

Also- are the voices I hear in some of your recordings being spoken using the mdium's voice box or, and ectoplasm voice box attached to the medium or separate from, or totally dissociated in the corner of the room lets say?

There are two types pf control, 1) from spirit, the control is also call the Lead Spirit who acts much like an emcee of the PM events. Yellow Feather tells the whomever is responsible for the CD player to start-stop the music, is the spirit available between materializations of other spirits, typically opens and closes the session.

2) Human controls, they sit immediately left and right of the cabinet, announce to sitters that the medium is always in the chair (by holding or controlling a leg or arm of the PM), open/close the cabinet curtain when told to, and various other duties to absolutely insure that the medium is always bound, seated, entranced and immobile. These are experienced sitters only who are permitted control status.

White Feather, Luther, et al in Caylor's seance are discarnates who come through using independent direct voice i.e. they speak through an ectoplasmic voice box that moves about the room. Recently, they placed the ecto box in the water under Warren's chair and 'spoke' as if they were underwater, gurgling, it was a hoot especially Luther with his booming, low spirit voice.

They have graduated to direct voice and to overtaking Warren physically, standing up, speaking in the spirit voice even though they are using Warren's vocal chords, lungs, etc.

"The person who comes through in a direct-voice medium seance actually takes on the personality he or she had when alive so those listening can relate to it."

This isn't always the case, whether IVDV or DV, Warren's Spirit Team sounds the same.

FYI, this PM is not a channeled state. " It should be made absolutely clear that the spirit voices are COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT of the IDVC Medium. The Medium is NOT 'channeling,' although the physical manifestations including the audible spirit voices tend to occur more frequently whilst the Medium is in a trance-like state or deep meditation."
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Nice, clear photos in red light of Muegge and ectoplasm.

Lily Dale 2013

Film Studying Ectoplasm of Kai

Various Other Images of Ecto Red Light and Visible White Light
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(2017-09-04, 07:38 PM)Pssst Wrote: There are two types pf control, 1) from spirit, the control is also call the Lead Spirit who acts much like an emcee of the PM events. Yellow Feather tells the whomever is responsible for the CD player to start-stop the music, is the spirit available between materializations of other spirits, typically opens and closes the session.

2) Human controls, they sit immediately left and right of the cabinet, announce to sitters that the medium is always in the chair (by holding or controlling a leg or arm of the PM), open/close the cabinet curtain when told to, and various other duties to absolutely insure that the medium is always bound, seated, entranced and immobile. These are experienced sitters only who are permitted control status.

White Feather, Luther, et al in Caylor's seance are discarnates who come through using independent direct voice i.e. they speak through an ectoplasmic voice box that moves about the room. Recently, they placed the ecto box in the water under Warren's chair and 'spoke' as if they were underwater, gurgling, it was a hoot especially Luther with his booming, low spirit voice.

They have graduated to direct voice and to overtaking Warren physically, standing up, speaking in the spirit voice even though they are using Warren's vocal chords, lungs, etc.

"The person who comes through in a direct-voice medium seance actually takes on the personality he or she had when alive so those listening can relate to it."

This isn't always the case, whether IVDV or DV, Warren's Spirit Team sounds the same.

FYI, this PM is not a channeled state. " It should be made absolutely clear that the spirit voices are COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT of the IDVC Medium. The Medium is NOT 'channeling,' although the physical manifestations including the audible spirit voices tend to occur more frequently whilst the Medium is in a trance-like state or deep meditation."
Ah. OK. I thought this whole process was one of channeling.
(2017-09-04, 07:52 PM)jkmac Wrote: Ah. OK. I thought this whole process was one of channeling.

Understood, the channeling state and IDV and DV are sometimes nuances away from each other. Other, it is perfectly clear that the individual is channeling an entity. channeling is when you let an entity or being take over your body. When that happens, your 
personality steps aside because that entity is now controlling your physical body.

Second meaning of "channeling": The second meaning is when people use the word "channeling" to describe any information received from a spirit or being or entity. It may be words that the spirit speaks to you (without taking over your body) or it might be an intuitive awareness or message that you receive.

Confusion caused by the two meanings: Unfortunately, few ever differentiate between these two drastically different meanings for the word "channeling." I rarely use the word "channeling" but if I do, I always use the first definition. 

Most people who use the term don't even know that there are two different usages of the word. As a result, many people are using the word, but the listener is hearing definition 1 or definition 2. As a result, there are a lot of misunderstandings being created by usage of the term unless the speaker actually explains which definition they are using. Your confusion is a function of these language difficulties in describing states of altered consciousness.

Honestly, its prolly mincing words, you will know the difference as you continue on your exploration into more of yourself, PM and expanding your awareness.
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(2017-09-04, 04:47 PM)Pssst Wrote: The best you can get from the recording is a sense of what is happening, not much more except an occasional conversation. The purpose of the music is to create high energy in the group and to bond the group together. Many of the songs are sung while "in chain" aka holding hands. The energy expressed by the participants is vital to spirit as they tap into this energy pool for phenomena and ectoplasm-building. Caylor's spirit team likes modern music, thank God! The music rarely changes so you can learn most of the songs and if not, LA LA LA works fine too.  Big Grin

The loudest voice is Rev. Kevin Lee, the host and RH side control. If you wait until you hear Churchill come through, there is a surprise there.  Angel Luther is the low, loud spirit, Yellow Feather is the Spirit Control of the group, you should hear Tommy and his "kid's" voice. 

The counting is the time that a particular phenomenon will be produced which includes the opening of the cabinet. Caylor has the cabinet open 1/3 of his seance i.e. where you can see him entranced and securely bound. The cabinet acts like a 'spiritual wall' enclosing the energy generated by spirit, condensing it. You will hear loud whooshes especially at the beginning, this is the sound spirit makes when entering the seance room through the cabinet. The whooshing is part the cabinet cloth flapping wildly about and part the entering of spirit themselves.
Thanks! I listened to the whole thing, like the vibe anyway. Smile And thanks for telling me who the loudest voice was, I thought it might have been you, 'cause it sounded close to the recording! Big Grin

By the way, what's with names like "Yellow Feather"? I ask this because I was just reading about, and listening to, phys med Stewart Alexander, and one his guides was White Feather.
(This post was last modified: 2017-09-05, 02:56 AM by Ninshub.)
I was listening to a presentation by Stewart Alexander, who is (was?) a renowned physical medium in England, started in the '60s. I thought this presentation was great because he explains how his mediumship developed: how he started as a skeptic and didn't expect to become interested in this kind of thing at all, how he tested himself to convince himself that his trance mediumship wasn't just a part of his personality, etc. Good stuff!
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(2017-09-04, 07:09 PM)jkmac Wrote: Also you have mentioned names like White Feather

(2017-09-04, 07:38 PM)Pssst Wrote: White Feather, Luther, et al in Caylor's seance are discarnates
You guys mean Yellow Feather. Don't get me confused...
(This post was last modified: 2017-09-05, 03:27 AM by Ninshub.)
(2017-09-05, 03:07 AM)Ninshub Wrote: You guys mean Yellow Feather. Don't get me confused...

Ooops. I do know a white feather so occasionally mix up.  Rolleyes
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(2017-09-05, 03:07 AM)Ninshub Wrote: You guys mean Yellow Feather. Don't get me confused...

Funny though. Stewart Alexander (I'm part way through his video and it is great) mentions that he works through "White Feather"... Another synchronicity...  Smile
Yeah, I think you missed it jk, but I mentioned that in a previous post, wondering why SA has White Feather and WC has Yellow Feather!

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