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What do the NDE proponents think of this? Will we hear about OBEs and veridical perception in these extremely close to death patients?
Maybe? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sounds a lot like what Pam Reynolds went through, so there's a chance. If they happen, whether we ever hear about them depends greatly on willingness to report them, as always.
(2019-11-20, 09:30 PM)GMax_B Wrote: [ -> ]I think Parnia is launching a new in hospital study on just that, reported in his very recent conference, (hat tip to Ben’s blog Aware of Aware), plenty of discussion about these new portable bypass/cooling machines being used by emergency attenders on site at the conference... already used regularly in France apparently...

Personally I think the world is going a bit nutty... In a hospital setting, Parnia’s Aware II only actually recruited and interviewed approximately 1% of the approx 4500 cardiac arrest cases that occurred... because 99% either can’t be resuscitated, or die shortly after resuscitation. At the conference they said just to connect you to one of those machines was 20k USD.

there's clearly a disconnect between self-reported NDEs and the number of deep NDEs in the prospective studies.
(2019-11-20, 09:30 PM)Max_B Wrote: [ -> ]Personally I think the world is going a bit nutty...
Isn't it!