Talking ETs

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I suppose if you prefer to live your Life worrying about what others might think, that's a valid experience. I choose differently.
(2017-10-07, 11:58 AM)jkmac Wrote: Pssst- you seem like a rational (well mostly) and thoughtful person, but really?

I suppose it's my own fault- by opening one's self to what 99% of population writes off as pure and simple craziness, I guess one has no hard defense against stuff that goes well beyond what one might glean from "main stream" psi accounts. And I guess that's because there ARE NO "mainstream" accounts. It's all wacko for most people. And most people can just write stuff like your story off as just one more crazy thing to ignore.

The bitch is, for people like me who DO buy into some of this stuff, where to draw the line? Where do you throw up your hands and say, "this is plain and simple nonsense".

I have no answer, maybe someone else can help me here. It's like taking a pill and destroying your immune system. You are now open to any sickness that is out there and have no way to fight it.

Again- it's my own fault I suppose.

EDIT- just wanted to add- I am not saying this topic is crazy-town (although it may be). I am asking how, once we enter this world of believing in marginally provable stuff,,, where to draw the line on accepting what may sound like nutty talk? I would say it comes down to evidence, but the problem is, MANY people think the evidence that we currently accept, is invalid.

When ppl decide what I present is outside of their comfort zone, crazy, zany and/or simply too wild to be true, then I have performed a service. They get to take my POV and the extreme POV ('can't possibly be true') and choose what they prefer. Who learns without contrast? No one.

How many times have you (pl) seen or heard something that was, according to you, "off the charts"? How many times, down the road, do you see those things come to fruition and remember "Yeah, hey, that nutjob on PsiQuest", a historical marker that assists in the validation? Often? Occasionally? Rarely? Once? One white crow.

From my POV, I wonder wtf are ppl doing with their time? How is it possible that anyone in their right mind would claim that ETs are non-existent? It's a non-starter.

If they exist, then why is it so improbable that they are communicating with us? If my POV, which is decidedly the POV of many ETs, is inaccurate then go find ET communicators and set your own parameters. Do you feel that you are not worthy?

It's is the time of the season to grow up. Old terminologies (reincarnation, afterlife, time, etc.) need to be released, new ones (simultaneous incarnations, energy transitioning and vibratory placeholders, Now) employed. As always, it is your choice but there will come a time, very, very soon, that if you have not chosen to jump tracks to the train of the Age Of New Information, then you will be stuck in that physical reality...while others will be 'stuck' in theirs.

We won't be able to see each other anymore. "Hmm, where did that nutjob go, oh well, back to arguing the insignificance of scientific significance..." as if Pssst never existed.
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(2017-10-06, 10:35 PM)Pssst Wrote: However, Basiago encountered something he knew was real and if that is so, then what was it? From whom? For what reason?

Never let it be said I'm unwilling to look at the evidence.  Skeptic

So I googled Andrew Basiago. That took me to an article on Basiago at the Biblioteca Pleyades website (by no means a sceptical organ):

But that article wasn't reassuring, because it said on the one hand that Basiago published in 2008 a claim that he had identified in a Mars Rover photograph "the first evidence of life on Mars". And then it said on the other hand that Basiago's associate Alfred Webre had written the following:
"Andrew D. Basiago has publicly stated he has been on Mars twice in 1981, once in the company of Courtney Hunt of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. During the visit to Mars with Hunt, Andy and Hunt were confronted by a Martian Plesiosaur a short distance from the entrance to the U.S. underground base on Mars where both had landed via teleporter from El Segundo, California. Both Andy and Courtney Hunt made a dash for the entrance to the underground base and reached it safely."

Obviously that would be a problem, because if Basiago had been to Mars in 1981 and met a plesiosaur there, the things he identified in a photo 27 years later could hardly have been "the first evidence of life on Mars", as far as he was concerned!

The author of the article on Biblioteca Pleyades, Michael Salla, concludes that Basiago is some kind of double agent, who is trying to make claims about life on Mars look ridiculous. I guess other people will have different ideas. But I can't see how you can expect people to treat these shenanigans as anything else but entertaining fiction, as things stand.
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The point of the collection of Basiago and Zeta related posts is that... "Technologies that facilitate futuristic capabilities are not of particular interest to me. Here is what is.

In Hamden-Truerniet's series of books on the Zeta Reticuli (and many other races), when asked of the likelihood of technology-based time travel, they responded with an alternative. In short, there cannot be 'time-travel' since time is an illusion. What they offer is a peek at their own technology, a Synthetic Quantum Environment or SQE.

To wit ----------> the Zetas are correcting Basiago's incorrect use of the term "time-travel" and suggested that he and the others were fooled by elements of the intelligence agencies who had the ability to either use or create an SQE. Which begs the question as to whether or not CIA-DARPA borrowed an SQE or created one. These are the only choices the Zetas offered. 

Basiago could be John Doe as far as I am concerned and with two more compatriots coming forward, first independently from Basiago, later in coordinated fashion, their contributions solidify Basiago's experience regardless of the fact that they too are wrong about its nature.

The FedGov's  partnering with ET  in various flight, electronics and other technologies is a given. We have the ET community in general agreement over the Roswell '47 incident (dead/alive Grey ETs, disabled terracraft by lightning later removed and reverse engineered), why the Zeta faction of the Greys 'suddenly' showed up on Earth, who they subsequently met with (Eisenhower) and at least one of the subjects of that meeting.

Concluding, my focus is not on the details of Basiago et al stories but on the growing evidence that ET exists, that there are conections between Mil and Central Intel for decades. 

As an aside, according to Bashar, two things come to bear.

1) The Super Secret Space Program ain't anything like it is cracked up to be.
2) There are only ~ 1,200 ppl (mostly Westerners) who have personal, intimate knowledge of these connections.
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You did seem to be asking people what they thought of Basiago's claims, though. That was why I responded.
(2017-10-06, 08:39 PM)Pssst Wrote: In Hamden-Truerniet's series of books on the Zeta Reticuli (and many other races)

I like my PDFs to get read to me, so I got Samantha to do it.

Part one.

Part two.

p.s. I converted the files to mp4, hoping I could put them on youtube, but it doesn't seem you can upload a video file that doesn't contain video/images (!).
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(2017-10-05, 10:46 PM)Pssst Wrote: Power in a paradox. You cannot be what you are not the vibration of...first. No excuse-ments necessary. No confidence is necessary. When, if, you are of the energy, if you find that you can automatically resonate with the messages, then and only then will the "buy-in" occur.

Or maybe I am at a higher vibrational level than you, and I see the absurdity and self delusion with your statements. Maybe I have progressed beyond such things.

And perhaps I am now trying to reach back help people like you progress past the simplistic self-congratulatory stage that you find yourself stuck in.

Ahh yes. The paradox.  Surprise
(2017-10-06, 08:39 PM)Pssst Wrote: There are a number of cases of technology-based time travel, one of the more interesting is the Andrew Basiago story. Although he mentions such celebrities as Obama and Regina Dugan - Head of DARPA - as America’s time travel pioneers. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, he was a child participant in the secret US time-space program, Project Pegasus.

He was the first American child to teleport and took part in probes to past and future events utilizing different forms of time travel then being researched and developed by DARPA. Obama denies. 

Technologies that facilitate futuristic capabilities are not of particular interest to me. Here is what is.

In Hamden-Truerniet's series of books on the Zeta Reticuli (and many other races), when asked of the likelihood of technology-based time travel, they responded with an alternative. In short, there cannot be 'time-travel' since time is an illusion. What they offer is a peek at their own technology, a Synthetic Quantum Environment or SQE.

"The synthetic quantum environment, or SQE, is created by the Zetas as a simulation of a particular environment. The SQE is not experienced as part of  our  physical  illusion.  It  is  a  non-physical  space  accessible  to  the consciousness of beings while they are in separation from their bodies. A human,  for  example,  must  be  in  separation  from  the  physical illusion  to enter an SQE. 

An  SQE  is  created  by  copying  the  original  environment  using  a technological process that includes consciousness. A number of SQEs are connected  as  a  network  and  have  on-board  intelligent  operators  that coordinate  the  activities  of  the  network. The  intelligence  appears  to  be  a component of the SQE itself.  

When an SQE is a simulation of a physical environment, it may be used as  a laboratory for performing experiments in that environment. This ensures that the experiments do not disrupt the original physical environment. For example,  Zetas  exist  only  on  a  single  timeline,  and  so  they  cannot experience  multiple  timelines  directly.  However,  humans  experience multiple  timelines  as  part  of  the  incarnation  process.  So  the  Zetas  have populated  SQEs  with  simulations  of  human  timelines  to  develop  their theoretical understanding of the multiple timelines."

The Zeta deny utilizing the SQE on humans but they did not deny that their technology has been either given or successfully engineered by human (intelligence) agencies. Basiago points to this high probability specifically naming Agency and DARPA, a pivotal investor in breakthrough technologies for national security. 


Wonder where those poor excuses for parents were, who handed their kids over to DARPA. If they did.
(This post was last modified: 2017-10-09, 05:28 PM by jkmac.)
(2017-10-08, 09:14 PM)Ninshub Wrote: I like my PDFs to get read to me, so I got Samantha to do it.

Part one.

Part two.


Addendum To Primer Chapter 16
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(2017-10-08, 09:14 PM)Ninshub Wrote: I like my PDFs to get read to me...

Quick story and a comment.

I tried to get Paul Hamden to come from AUS to US to demonstrate his physical mediumship. We couldn't make the details work out and he claimed that he was in development and wasn't quite ready to leave the development circle. I told him that I bought one of the last copies of "The Primer of the Zeta Race", had marked it up, removing terrible formatting, grammer errors and what seemed to be disconnected. poor flowing conversations (from time to time). I wanted to send it to him so he could reprint the book in a more easily readable form. Hamden pointed to a section in the written text where he had cautioned on doing just that. duh.

Apparently, and Bashar and several others also comment in the same vein, that there is 'hidden' information, carried by the tones of the verbal and the energy of the written, that subconsciously and unconsciously, literally rewires us, readying us for additional information in the future.

As a poor analogy, take this post, any post. It carries an energy which we read as sarcasm, anger, giddiness, arrogance...yet that information is clearly hidden. Yet that information certainly exists in your mind and mine.
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