Continued Consciousness - A Road to Boredum?

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Well if I go full crazy and just go with all the past life stuff then boredom eventually became our main concern although only very recently. I guess we managed to keep ourselves busy looking for trouble. One thing we would do were one shot incarnations where we'd purposefully supress our memories as best we couldcould and go down at least in pairs for safety and sanity.

Having no memory made everything seem fresh and new for awhile even though core aspects of our personalities and aptitudes would always come through anyways.

This life would technically be a one shot although one that went far more wrong than normal. At my core I'm a fighter, I enjoy taking on horrific things that no one else would. I always feel pride knowing that I did it even though it was scary and hard, especially when I win. The worse the person, the more hypocritical and powerful they are, the more excited I get. probably sounds psychotic or like theres no way someone can actually think that way my girlfriends like that too. as are all the unincarted members of our group. It's part of what brought us all together in the first place. And we get a lot of cool stories out of it too.

But theres a cost to that, eventually when nothings happened for awhile I start wishing for something to come after me or for something bad to happen just so I can try fixing it. One guy in the past claimed that everyone like me ends up being a villain eventually, you just get bored of having nothing left to fight so you start creating chaos to create people who want to fight you. He claimed he knew that because he used to be like me too. It's something I try to stay conscious of.
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