2023-06-14, 09:11 PM
Some Bodily Malformations Attributed to Previous Lives
Pasricha, Keil, Stevenson, Tucker
Pasricha, Keil, Stevenson, Tucker
Quote:Abstract- Bodily malformations that are unusually large or otherwise unusual
in shape or location occur somewhat rarely. Sometimes a young child having
such an abnormality speaks about the life of a deceased individual who suffered
a wound that is said to have corresponded somehow to the abnormality. We
aimed at investigating the justification for attributing malformations to wounds
in a particular deceased person. Cases of this type occur frequently in Asia, but
also in Western countries. The principal method of investigation is interviews
with firsthand informants for the subject and concerned deceased person.
Medical reports, such as postmortems, are examined when available. In Part I
we present three reports of skin anomalies and tabular summaries of an
additional five cases. We have obtained evidence of a close correspondence
between the skin anomalies and the wounds on the concerned deceased person,
although the evidence is not conclusive. In Part I1 we report four cases of birth
defects attributed to previous lives. We present and discuss some evidence,
again not conclusive, that tends to support this attribution