Psience Quest

Full Version: InPresence 0225: Aliens in the Afterlife
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Quote:Jeffrey Mishlove, in conversation with himself, explores the relationship between aliens associated with UFOs and discarnate humans. He refers to his own study of Ted Owens, The PK Man, as well as the experiences of Whitley Strieber. He also brings up survey research data and, additionally, draws on accounts from folklore, religion, and popular culture.
Quote:“A New York psychiatrist once asked me if I’d ever heard of deceased people appearing in flying saucers,” wrote paranormal researcher John Keel in 1976.

“He told me how a young patient, a teenaged boy, claimed to have witnessed a UFO landing and was astonished to see his late father emerge from the object. The psychiatrist knew nothing of UFOs and assumed the whole thing was nothing but a childish fantasy. Actually, however, there have been hundreds of similar reports although they are usually ignored by the hard core believers in extraterrestrial spaceships.”

-Cutchin, Ecology of Souls
(2021-05-12, 09:19 PM)Sciborg_S_Patel Wrote: [ -> ]

Linking UFO beings with afterlife spirit entities is rather farfetched, in my opinion, in particular in connection with the controversial but extensive observational evidence including radar and other electromagnetic interactions of apparent "nuts and bolts" UFO vehicles which may very well be of this physical universe and reality and seem very unlikely to be from some spirit realm. Spiritual beings from an afterlife spirit realm don't have aerodynamically impossible flight characteristics, reflect radar beams, and emit electromagnetic interference and IFF signals. This is a category of the UFO phenomenon that doesn't appear related to afterlife spirit visitations, any more than claimed alien abductions are necessarily connected to the "nuts and bolts" type of apparently physical UFO vehicles. Possibly extraterrestrial UFO vehicles and pilot beings, and spirit world entities, appear to be of two fundamentally different levels of our reality.

And bringing up Whitley Strieber in this subject doesn't help. 

According to Wiki,

Quote:"Strieber states that he was abducted from his cabin in upstate New York on the evening of December 26, 1985, by non-human beings. He wrote about this experience and related experiences in Communion (1987), his first non-fiction book. Although the book is perceived generally as an account of alien abduction, Strieber draws no conclusions about the identity of the alleged abductors. He refers to the beings as "the visitors", a name chosen to be as neutral as possible to entertain the possibility that they are not extraterrestrials. Neurologist Steven Novella remarks that the details of Whitley's tale of waking up seemingly paralyzed fits the description of hypnagogia, a fairly common neurological phenomenon that has been mistaken by some for an intervention by demons or aliens."

By the way, it turns out that these non-human beings apparently bear a striking resemblance to some of the entities in his earlier literary works.
I am not sold on the UFO-afterlife connection, but the association extends beyond Strieber. As for the Wikipedia page, that seems like the usual materialist fundies tilting the site in their favor.

Have just started the first volume of the book Ecology of Souls which also seeks to link UFO/UAP phenomena and the dead, so we’ll see how the argument holds up.