Psience News - 29 March-4 April 2020

From The Psience Quest Wiki
Revision as of 12:46, 3 April 2020 by Laird (talk | contribs) (Added Tim Prasil's book review, another Leprecat entry, the story of Marjorie Johnson, George Meek's video presentation, and the interview with David J. Halperin)
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This is a listing, in progress, of news items about parapsychology, psi, the paranormal and related subjects, posted to the Psience Quest Forums. We hope that news about parapsychology is adequately covered here, but news about other topics will represent only a selection.

If you'd like to receive an email notification when each Psience News page is completed, please send an email to Your email address will not be given to anyone else or used for any other purpose (notifications will be sent using Bcc so that the recipients' addresses are kept private). Email addresses will be removed from the mailing list on request.

Upcoming events are also listed in the Calendar section.

For news during other periods, see the Psience News Index.

Extended consciousness phenomena

Books and book reviews

  • A review by Tim Prasil of Paranormal Wales by Tim Rees has appeared on the SPR's website (Discuss)

Psi Encyclopedia

New entries in the Society for Psychical Research's Psi Encyclopedia

Articles and blog posts



Upcoming events

From this and previous pages of Psience News. For further details, see the Calendar section.

  • 15 January - 31 March 2020: Online
Nancy Zingrone's and Carlos Alvarado's free course, "Parapsychology Research & Education: Psychology and Parapsychology" (ParaMOOC2020) (Discuss; Calendar Entry)
  • 6 April - 19 June 2020: Online
An eleven-week course entitled "Introduction to Parapsychology" organised by the Koestler Parapsychology Unit at Edinburgh University (Discuss; Calendar Entry)
  • 25 April 2020: Online (NEW)
A webinar entitled "Psi in the Natural World" presented by Dr. Cal Cooper and organised by the Forever Family Foundation (Discuss; Calendar Entry)
  • 10 - 12 July 2020: Chester, Connecticut, USA (NEW)
The "Love Knows No Death Summer Grief Transformation Retreat 2020" organised by the Forever Family Foundation (Discuss; Calendar Entry)
  • 28 October - 2 November 2020: Rice University, Houston, Texas
A conference entitled "Opening The Archives Of The Impossible", to mark the launch of a research facility including the archives of Jacques Vallee, Whitley Strieber, Ed May, Richard Haines and Larry Bryant (Discuss; Calendar Entry)