Blogs about psi and the paranormal

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Blogs about psi and the paranormal

[This is a very mixed bag, and may need to be categorised.]

Caroline Watt

The Daily Grail - Science, magic, myth and history (Greg Taylor)

Includes a daily roundup of links to news stories.

Dead but Dreaming (Neil Rushton)

A blog about faeries.

Doubt and About (Sharon A. Hill)

ersby (Andrew Endersby)

Esoterx - If Monsters Don't Exist, Why Are They Out To Get Me?

IONS Blog (Institute of Noetic Sciences)

Michael Prescott's Blog

Mysterious Universe

Paranormalia (Robert McLuhan)

Parapsychology - News, History, Research (Carlos S. Alvarado)

Society for Psychical Research - Blogs and Articles

Tom Ruffles