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Revision as of 02:07, 1 June 2018

Introduction and invitation

Below (under the heading, "The post") is the working version of the main post in the Skeptiko forum thread, "Index of Skeptiko threads & related resources", which due to size has had to be split into multiple posts, starting here.

This post includes all threads from the "Critical Discussions", "Discuss the Show", "Consciousness & Science", "Extended Consciousness & Spirituality" and "Why Science Is Wrong..." forums on Skeptiko as of approx 12 July 2017. Some threads from the "Other Stuff" forum have also been included.

You are invited to edit this post in good faith, shifting list items from the "Uncategorised" category into a more specific category, creating new categories as necessary, and/or adding other resources that you think would be useful to include in it. Feel free to edit anonymously, but also feel free to create an account under which to edit, preferably using the same username that you use on Skeptiko if you have an account there. From time to time, after changes have been made, I'll edit the contents of the post below into the Skeptiko thread.

All sections are formatted as BBCode, which is why when you edit this wiki page you will see them enclosed in <bbcode></bbcode> tags, so that MediaWiki knows to render them as BBCode rather than wikitext. BBCode is the raw encoding that XenForo - the forum software on which Skeptiko runs - accepts for posts. If you are using the rich text editor for XenForo/Skeptiko (this is default), then to see/access the underlying BBCode, you will need to click the top-right icon in that editor, the one that looks like a blank page with its top-left corner folded over, overlaid by a spanner. The tool tip for this icon, i.e. the text that appears when you hover your mouse over it, reads "Use BB Code Editor".

The post

Table of contents

Media: Books

Media: Magazines

Media: Journals

Media: Films

Media: Television series

Media: Radio shows

Media: Podcasts/Videocasts

Media: Blogs

Media: Forums

Media: Websites

[Resources] threads

Containing forum not included, for ease of browsing.

Parapsychology, psi and the paranormal

Parapsychology: Precognition and premonition

Parapsychology: Precognitive dreams

Parapsychology: Presentiment

Parapsychology: Psychics

Parapsychology: Psychic vision

Parapsychology: Remote viewing

Parapsychology: Sensing stares

Parapsychology: Telepathy

Parapsychology: Telepathy: The Ganzfeld experiments

Parapsychology: Telepathic dogs (predicting their owner's return)

Parapsychology: Psychokinesis

Parapsychology: Paranormal photographs

Parapsychology: Inducing sleep in others

Parapsychology: Psychokinesis: Spoon bending

Paranormal: Angels

Parapsychology: Apparitions, dreams and visions, especially of the dying and recently dead, including shared-death experiences (SDEs)

Parapsychology: Ghosts, poltergeists and other discarnates

Parapsychology: Hearing voices

Parapsychology: Instrumental transcommunication (ITC), electronic voice phenomenon (EVP) and phone calls from the dead (PCFTD)

Parapsychology: Mediumship / spirit communication / after-death communication / channelling

Parapsychology: Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and Out of Body Experiences (OBEs/OOBEs)

Parapsychology: Reincarnation and past-life regression

Parapsychology: Resurrection

Parapsychology: Terminal lucidity

Parapsychology: Visions, esp. end of life dreams and visions (ELDV)

Parapsychology: Anomalous speech/language/accent

Paranormal: Bigfoot

Paranormal: Crop circles

Parapsychology: Dreaming, especially lucid dreaming


Parapsychology: Savants, geniuses, and the gifted

Parapsychology: Synchronicity

Paranormal: UFOs, alien encounters and extraterrestrial life

Miscellaneous psi/psychic/paranormal phenomena

(The need for) Advocacy for

Parapsychology: Criticisms of / skeptical explanations for

Parapsychology: Skeptical explanations for: Cold reading

Parapsychology: Speculations on nature of and mechanisms for psi

Parapsychology: Super-psi

Parapsychology: The (in)compatibility of psi and physics

Parapsychology: Skeptiko experiments investigating psi

Opportunities to participate in external experiments

Parapsychology: Techniques for inducing/enhancing psi

Parapsychology: Technologies exploiting/facilitating/mimicking psi

Parapsychology: Paranormally-inspired inventions/discoveries

Parapsychology: Prominent adepts at psi: Anna Breytenbach

Parapsychology: Prominent adepts at psi: Chico Xavier

  • Extended Consciousness & Spirituality forum threads:

Parapsychology: Prominent adepts at psi: Felicia Parise

Parapsychology: Prominent adepts at psi: Jack Houck

Parapsychology: Prominent adepts at psi: Joe McMoneagle

Parapsychology: Prominent adepts at psi: Nicolas Fraisse

Parapsychology: Prominent adepts at psi: Robbert Van Den Broeke

Parapsychology: Prominent adepts at psi: Ted Owens (the PK Man)

Parapsychology: Prominent adepts at psi: Uri Geller

Parapsychology: Prominent adepts at psi: William Buhlman

Parapsychology: Institutes of research

    Parapsychology: Institutes of research: Esalen

    Paranormal: Institutes of research: Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE)

    Parapsychology: Institutes of research: The American Society For Psychical Research (ASPR)

    Parapsychology: Institutes of research: The Farsight Institute

    Parapsychology: Institutes of research: The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology

    Parapsychology: Institutes of research: The International Academy of Consciousness

    Parapsychology: Institutes of research: The Maimonides Dream Lab

    Parapsychology: Institutes of research: The Monroe Institute

    Parapsychology: Institutes of research: The Parapsychological Association (PA)

    Parapsychology: Institutes of Research: The Rhine Research Center

    Parapsychology: Institutes of research: The Society for Psychical Research (SPR)

    Parapsychology: Institutes of research: The University of Virginia's Division of Perceptual Studies

    Parapsychology: Individual researchers in

    Parapsychology: Individual researchers in: Daryl Bem

    Parapsychology: Individual researchers in: Dean Radin

    Parapsychology: Individual researchers in: Jeffrey Long

    Parapsychology: Individual researchers in: Jim Tucker

    John Mack

    Parapsychology: Individual researchers in: Julie Beischel

    Parapsychology: Individual researchers in: Penny Sartori

    Parapsychology: Individual researchers in: Rupert Sheldrake

    Parapsychology: Individual researchers in: Rupert Sheldrake: Morphic resonance

    Parapsychology: Individual researchers in: Sam Parnia

    Parapsychology: Individual researchers in: Stephen Braude

    Parapsychology: Authors/bloggers/speakers

    Parapsychology: Evidential matters including burden of proof of

    Parapsychology: Research methodology of incl. statistics

    Parapsychology: Variability of psi

    Paradigm change and post-materialism

    Is the paradigm changing? Is a new "consciousness culture" (or "revolution") emerging? If so, what is it like? What, generally, are the implications of psi and parapsychology, especially for science? What will a post-materialist paradigm and science look like?


    Magic, alchemy, tarot and the occult




    (Pseudo-)skepticism: Prominent figures in: Brian Cox

    (Pseudo-)skepticism: Prominent figures in: Daniel Dennett

    (Pseudo-)skepticism: Prominent figures in: Derren Brown

    (Pseudo-)skepticism: Prominent figures in: James Randi

    (Pseudo-)skepticism: James Randi's Million Dollar Challenge

    (Pseudo-)skepticism: Prominent figures in: Lawrence Krauss

    (Pseudo-)skepticism: Prominent figures in: Massimo Pigliucci

    (Pseudo-)skepticism: Prominent figures in: Michael Shermer

    (Pseudo-)skepticism: Prominent figures in: PZ Myers

    (Pseudo-)skepticism: Prominent figures in: Richard Carrier

    (Pseudo-)skepticism: Prominent figures in: Richard Dawkins

    (Pseudo-)skepticism: Prominent figures in: Sam Harris

    (Pseudo-)skepticism: Prominent figures in: Sean Carroll

    (Pseudo-)skepticism: Prominent figures in: Susan Blackmore

    (Pseudo-)skepticism: Harrassment by

    (Pseudo-)skepticism: Deception, duplicity and suppression by

    (Pseudo-)skepticism: Coopting of Wikipedia/TED by

    Proponents versus skeptics: (bridging?) the divide

    Nomenclature (what to call those on either side of the divide between those who accept psi etc and those who reject it)

    Debates on psi, spirituality, materialism, atheism, etc.

    Reasoning about reality: why are we here, and what is the (nature of the) metaphysical system in which we are incarnated?

    Synthetic/big-picture thinkers/thinking about metaphysics, science and the paranormal

    Synthetic/big-picture thinkers: Abraham H. Maslow

    Synthetic/big-picture thinkers: Bernardo Kastrup

    Synthetic/big-picture thinkers: Brian Josephson

    Synthetic/big-picture thinkers: Chris Langan

    Synthetic/big-picture thinkers: David Bohm

    Synthetic/big-picture thinkers: Robert Anton Wilson

    Synthetic/big-picture thinkers: Tom Campbell

    Epistemology and knowledge

    Miscellaneous metaphysics

    Origins / primary explanations (Why something instead of nothing?)


    Neutral monism


    Transcendental materialism

    Materialism/physicalism incl. consequences, waning and refutations of

    Matter (what is it?)



    Philosophy (misc/general)



    Outer space, the solar system and astronomy

    The nature of mind and consciousness

    Theories of consciousness

    Integrated Information Theory (of consciousness)

    The filter theory of consciousness

    Orch-OR theory of consciousness

    Emergentism (as a theory of consciousness)




    Free will (versus hard determinism)


    Imagination and creativity


    Thought, reason, argumentation, critical thinking, intuition, faith and belief





    Consciousness/intelligence/traits in/of non-human life

    Optical/perceptual illusions and hallucinations

    Meaning in life

    Agape and spiritual/unconditional love

    Theism, esp. concepts/proofs of God


    Religion (general)

    Individual religions / spiritual paradigms














    Philosophy of religion

    Religion/spirituality and (versus?) science

    Spirituality: techniques and general

    Spirituality, religion and sex

    Meditation and mindfulness

    The soul

    The self


    Mind-body-spirit holism

    Evil (the existence/nature of)

    Pregnancy and birth

    Death and suicide

    Life after death

    Hell (the existence/nature of)

    Health, healing and medicine

    Spiritual and psychic healing/therapy modalities

    Other complementary/alternative medicine



    Hypnosis and hypnotic regression


    Big pharma

    Humans and society/culture


    Morality: Non-human rights (animal and plant rights)

    Relationship with/to non-humans incl. animals, plants and nature


    Love, romance, sex and relationships


    Law and the legal system

    Mental "illness" and psychiatry

    Media bias and censorship


    Civilisation: Threats to

    History and methods of historical analysis

    Technology, including abstract


    Artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the singularity and transhumanism

    Simulations / virtual realities


    Science: Relationship to philosophy

    Science: Philosophy of

    Science: Corruption in, and criticisms/distrust of

    Areas of (esp. controversial)

    Physics, esp. quantum mechanics and its interpretations/implications

    The Big Bang cosmology

    Evolution versus intelligent design (plus Creationism)

    Evolutionary psychology

    Climate change


    Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) / genetic engineering (GE)

    Genetic engineering of humans



    The health risks of saturated fat / cholesterol


    Politics: Differences between liberals and conservatives

    Politics: Gun control

    Politics: New world order / global elites / shadow government / conspiracy

    Politics: 9/11

    Flat Earth theory

    Political correctness

    Environmental politics

    Wide-ranging discussions that are too varied to categorise more specifically.

    Miscellaneous musings and speculations


    Skeptiko: Critiques of

    Skeptiko: Personal experiences of members

    Skeptiko: Housekeeping

    Alex Tsakiris: Interviews of

    Alex Tsakiris: Critiques of

    Book: Why Science is Wrong... About Almost Everything

    Uncategorised threads to 2017-08-09

    Uncategorised threads to 2017-08-19

    Uncategorised threads to 2017-09-23

    Uncategorised threads to 2017-12-17

    Uncategorised threads to 2017-12-19

    Uncategorised threads to 2018-02-22

    Uncategorised threads to 2018-03-01

    Empty threads

    These threads are listed here only so that we can avoid (re)generating them due to their not appearing on this page, now that an automated tool has been written to check for new forum threads not listed on this page.